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This initiative is being led by The Story of Stuff Project. BoomerWarrior has collaborated on many occasions with The Story of Stuff and I’m pleased to do so again. The drive to put a price on carbon has been a constant theme in BoomerWarrior. (RollyMontpellier~Managing Editor).

Carbon Fee and Dividend – Best for Lower and Middle Income

Carbon Fee and Dividend. Its Time Has Come

Let’s Put a Price on Carbon with Fee and Dividend

Five Ways to Put a Price On Carbon

This is Not A Theory, Not an Opinion. This is the Cost of Carbon

Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott - Axis of Carbon Evil Twins, boomer warrior

Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott – Axis of Carbon

(The following text, found in an email campaign by The Story of Stuff Project, is repeated below in its entirety.)

The world’s nations are closer than ever to reaching a universal treaty to tackle human-induced climate change, but Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper are standing in the way of a global climate treaty.

The Evil Twins


Tell Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper to join other UN nations in supporting a universal carbon tax to make polluters pay!

At the recent UN Climate Summit in New York City, nations around the world advocated for strong measures to reduce climate pollution by 2020.

A massive gathering of over 300,000 citizens marched in New York before the conference, calling on world leaders to do the right thing. Over 120 heads of state met in person to discuss this issue. Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper skipped out on the conference entirely.

Other governments, including the United States and Europe, want to use a universal carbon tax to make polluters pay. Economic and environmental experts say that a carbon tax would also boost clean energy opportunities worldwide, creating many new jobs and businesses. But Abbott and Harper are more interested in protecting large coal and oil corporations that are unsustainable in the long run.

Australia and Canada are already experiencing the cost of not taking action. From heat waves and spectacular fires in Australia to record flooding and devastating forest blight in Canada, the impact of our changing climate is being felt right now. But thanks to entrenched government denial, the climate policies of Australia and Canada now rank last in the developed world according to Climate Action Network Europe’s 2014 Climate Change Performance Index.

Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott - Axis of Carbon Evil Twins, boomer warrior

Tell Prime Ministers Abbott and Harper to stop dragging their feet on climate protection, and to support a strong UN climate treaty!

In 2015, world leaders will meet in Paris for the UN Climate Change Conference, where they are looking to form a unified front on climate change and create a real global solution. The rest of the world needs Australia and Canada’s cooperation to fix this problem. Both nations are major coal and oil exporters, and if the governments take action to make polluters pay, they can help lead the way towards a brighter, cleaner future.

A majority of Australian and Canadian citizens want their governments to take the lead in finding a global solution to our dirty energy crisis. As a strong international Community, Story of Stuff supporters can be a powerful voice for Prime Ministers Abbott and Harper to begin caring about their environmental legacy. Nothing short of international cooperation can create the change we need.

We need to be telling a story of hope, one of a brighter future — not our dirty past.


Claiborne Deming’s first foray into campaigning came with work as a Field Organizer with Obama for America in Colorado. He joined SumOfUs prior to its launch in November 2011. Claiborne took over responsibilities for growth at SumOfUs in August of 2012; under his leadership, the organization grew from a core of 700,000 Americans to 2.6 million members across the globe.

In January 2014, Claiborne left SumOfUs to join The Story of Stuff Project as its Campaigns Director. 



Rolly Montpellier, boomer warriorRolly Montpellier is the Founder and Managing Editor of BoomerWarrior.Org. He’s a Climate Reality leader, a blogger and an Climate Activist. Rolly has been published in several online publications – Climate Change Guide, World Daily, Examiner, The Canadian, 350Ottawa, ClimateMama, MyEarth360, GreenDivas, The Elephant, Countercurrents, Georgian Bay News.

Some of Rolly’s articles have also appeared in newspapers such as The Hill Times and the Kingston Whig. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

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  1. Thanks Rolly. Signed with this comment:

    Not sure how agreements between and among nations complicate the concept of a carbon pollution fee, but take a look at the information presented in these links:
    The article –
    The report –
    My email 1 –
    My email 2 –

    • Thanks Doug for signing the petition directed to the Carbon Twins. I looked at the articles and you’re right about the possible complication in pricing carbon and its effect on supplies available for export and domestic consumption. It’s complicated and I don’t know how that will play out.

      That said, both of our countries will end up with a price on carbon in the not too distant future.

  2. “All nations, including Canada and Australia, have a duty of care to provide clean, sustainable energy resources with a zero-carbon output! To continue to invest in “dirty” fossil fuel exploration is tantamount to genocide of our future generations. All nations should immediately make plans to educate the general public on how to reduce their energy consumption, not to tease them into using more!”

    Signed the petition directed to the carbon-twins (Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott) with the above comment.



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