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The visual essay by Franke James should resonate loudly with Canadian voters going to the polls on October 19. “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it,” warned Stephen Harper in 2006. I don’t agree with Stephen Harper on much but he was right about Canada becoming unrecognizable. I don’t like who we have become. (Rolly Montpellier ~ Editor, BoomerWarrior).

What is Harper Afraid Of?

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Hey Mr Prime Minister What are You Afraid ofAre you afraid of rivers that turn black and run into the sea, writing and illustration by Franke JamesAre you afraid of birds falling from a heavy sky, writing and illustration by Franke JamesAre you afraid of people fleeing from a toxic land, writing and illustration by Franke JamesOr are you most afraid of Alberta tar sands oil being labeled dirty, writing and illustration by Franke JamesI can tell you what I am afraid of, writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildI am afraid of your plans to build the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline through the Rocky Mountains, writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildAnd the Great Bear Rainforest, writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildDoes that make me a radical? No way, writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildBut Joe Oliver says anyone who questions the pipeline is a radical. That is radical, writing and type-illustration by Franke James, Scan of Joe Oliver flyerFear not! I did not take that name-calling to heart. I sent Joe a Valentine asking for a meeting. On March 3rd my husband and I met with Joe, Valentine illustration by Franke James, Photo of Joe Oliver by Franke James, photo of Franke by Billiam JamesI asked Joe a Fundamental question, what bothers your green conscience, Photo-illustration of Joe Oliver by Franke JamesJoe said 'I don't think in those terms. My impact as the Minister of Natural Resources is much bigger than as an individual, Photo-illustration of Joe Oliver by Franke JamesWhich is Exactly what I am afraid of, Writing and illustration by Franke JamesWith all the changes you're making, list of changes, Writing and illustration by Franke JamesWe could be hit with some major environmental catastrophes, Writing and Black Swan Canada Flag illustration by Franke JamesIt is like you have declared war on Mother Nature, Writing and Harper Oil Barrel War on Nature illustration by Franke JamesIt is like you have declared war on Mother Nature, Writing and Harper Oil Barrel War on Nature illustration by Franke JamesJoe told me, 'I am someone who likes to gather the facts, Joe Oliver Facts illustration by Franke JamesJoe told me, 'I am influenced by what objective scientists have to say, and you know government policy has to be grounded in a factual basis'; Quote from March 3, 2012 meeting, Joe Oliver Facts illustration by Franke JamesWhich all sounds great but then why is the Harper Government muzzling scientists, Muzzled scientists illustration by Franke JamesJoe says he likes facts, so I shared some facts with him --- like how the B.C. coastline has had a 40 year ban on tankers because the waters are so treacherous; writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildAnd how the tankers are as long as the Empire State Building is tall.; writing and type-illustration by Franke James, photo of Empire State Building by Daniel Schwen via WikimediaAnd how the route to Kitimat is very skinny with many hairpin turns which are tricky for big tankers; Living Oceans Map of Tanker route to Kitimat; writing and type by Franke James, map illustration by Living OceansMap in detail And Joe replied, 'I don’t know the answers to that question. I’m not a scientist, so that’s why we’re getting an independent evaluation.'; Quote from March 3, 2012 meeting, Joe Oliver illustration by Franke JamesThe independent evaluation sounded good -- but since then you've squashed their power.; Alice illustration and writing by Franke JamesAnd now Joe and your cabinet are making the final decision; Harper with cabinet illustration by Franke JamesBut Joe is not qualified to decide; Joe Oliver and Alice illustration by Franke JamesEverything you discuss in cabinet is SECRET; Secret cabinet illustration by Franke JamesAlberta and Big Oil will be making trillions; Harper Dirty Oil illustration by Franke James, Photo Syncrude 2007 -12 Photo © 2007 David Dodge, CPAWSBut B.C. will be facing huge risks; type illustration by Franke James, photo of Great Bear Rainforest Fog by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildOne big spill could wipe out B.C.’s entire tax revenue of $1.2 billion – which is forecast over 30 years; writing by Franke James; Dogwood Initiative 'No Tankers Loonie Decal'; Photo of tshirt with Sinking Feeling About Enbridge courtesy Living Oceans OrgOne big spill could wipe out B.C.’s entire tax revenue of $1.2 billion – which is forecast over 30 years; writing by Franke James; Dogwood Initiative 'No Tankers Loonie Decal'; Photo 'Ultimately, US citizens ended up paying the additional costs.' source: What’s at Stake? the Cost of Oil on British Columbia’s Priceless Coast; Raincoast Conservation Foundation. 2010.Queen of the North illustration by Franke James based on archival photographsAnd the real truth is… clean up costs can’t bring the birds, fish and whales back to life. Writing Franke James; Photo of oiled Birds killed as a result of oil from the Exxon Valdez spill. Photo courtesy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council; Wikimedia.Or the Spirit Bear who is dependent on the salmon; type and fish illustration by Franke James, photo of Spirit Bear by Ian McAllister, Pacific WildThere's a whole circle of life that includes people.; Circle of Life illustration by Franke James, Photo Wikimedia NOAA Oil Sheen From Valdez SpillSo, here's a question for you... Would you let your family eat the fish or drink the water from the Athabasca River? Illustration by Franke JamesWhen I asked Joe, he told me, 'I don’t know enough about the Athabasca River. I would want to know from the government whether it’s safe to do that.' Quote from March 3, 2012 meeting, Joe Oliver illustration by Franke JamesIsn’t it Joe’s responsibility as the Minister in charge of the oil sands mining to know if his oil sands are polluting the air, land or water?; Alice illustration by Franke JamesHow Can Joe Not Know Photo-Illustration features Alice illustration by Franke James with photo of Suncor upgrader complex adjacent to the Athabasca River © 2002 Chris Evans, Pembina InstituteTake a look at this Environment Canada report on the oil sands pollution. It’s labeled 'secret'; Alice illustration by Franke JamesLink to secret report When I show ed it to Joe, he said, 'It’s secret to me too.' At first Joe said it must have come out before he was appointed. And then he said, 'It’s not my Ministry.' Quote from March 3, 2012 meeting, Joe Oliver illustration by Franke JamesSo I reminded him that the news of the contaminated fish was reported in 2010. And then Joe admitted, 'Yeah, yeah I’ve heard something.' Quote from March 3, 2012 meeting, Joe Oliver riding a fish illustration by Franke James. Fish photo research archive David SchindlerIn 2010, Dr. David Schindler presented evidence of deformed fish. Schindler told me he would NOT drink the Athabasca River water near the tar sands. Photo of Dr David Schindler by Ed Kaiser, Edmonton JournalThe internal government report says, 'Contamination of the Athabasca River is a high-profile concern… elevated levels of pollutants near mining sites raise questions about possible effects on health of wildlife and downstream communities.' photo-illustration by Franke JamesMr. Prime Minister, This is a BIG problem. And this secret report shows that Environment Canada KNOWS it’s a big problem; photo-illustration by Franke JamesJust recently, a BBC news article reported that the Cree Lake Nation are taking fish out of the water that have cancerous tumors on them; photo-illustration by Franke JamesIt seems that the government has been hiding from the truth; photo-illustration by Franke James, Tar Sands photo background: Syncrude 2007 -12 Photo © 2007 David Dodge, CPAWSThe fact is, you’ve got people who are eating contaminated fish. And that’s wrong; photo-illustration by Franke JamesThe fact is, you’ve got people who are eating contaminated fish. And that’s wrong; photo-illustration by Franke JamesMr Harper I know what you are really afraid of; photo-illustration by Franke James, Tar Sands photo background: Syncrude oil sands plant at night; Photo © 2005 David Dodge, The Pembina InstituteYou’re afraid of dead ducks – illustration by Franke James You’re afraid of spirit bears because they inspire everyone to care about Canada's wilderness. (And say no to the pipeline.); Spirit Bear illustration by Franke Jamesyou’re afraid of killer whales because First Nations are asserting their rights to protect their land, water and way of life; Killer Whale illustration by Franke James. Photo of First Nations protest courtesy Living Oceans OrgBut you’re most afraid of beavers. (that's us hard working Canadians who are toiling away like busy beavers). Because we are waking up... Harper Dirty Oil and Busy beaver illustration by Franke JamesBut you’re most afraid of beavers. (that's us hard working Canadians who are toiling away like busy beavers). Because we are waking up... Harper Dirty Oil and Busy beaver illustration by Franke JamesPlease Mr Harper Don't Put the Pipeline Through the Great Bear Rainforest. Photo Ian McAllister, Pacific Wild, type illustration by Franke JamesPlease Mr Harper Stop Polluting the Pond. Photo David Dodge, type illustration by Franke James
illustration by Franke James
illustration by Franke James

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  1. A very clear message! Harper is bad for Canada. Harper is bad for Canadians. Harper is bad for Nature.Harper is bad for the Environment. Only the Oil merchants will like him, them and the stockbrokers trading shares on dirty fossil fuels. Mr Harper may try to gag the scientists, the reporters and the activists, but he can’t gag everyone… all Canadians have a chance to make their voices heard… now is the time!

    • The latest despicable move he has taken is to hire an Australian-based consultant, Lynton Crosby, described this way in Wikipedia:

      “Lynton Keith Crosby AO is an Australian political strategist who has been described as a “master of the dark political arts,” “the Wizard of Oz,” “the Australian Karl Rove,” and “one of the most powerful and influential figures in the nation”. Crosby in also known for a tactic called the dead cat strategy. ”

      If you’re losing an argument, if you’re in a weak position, throw a dead cat on the table….Everyone will shout ‘Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!’; in other words they will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.”

      At some point all of this will backfire on Harper.

  2. Mr. Harper is afraid of so many things because it is in the nature of conservatives to fear what they do not understand, and Mr. Harper understands very little. That leaves him a vast world of things to fear.

    • Thank you Adam for your comment on BoomerWarrior. Harper is a control freak because of the things he fears. But one cannot control everything all of the time. Many cracks are starting to appear in the Harper program. I’m quite confident that he will not form the next government in Canada.

  3. It is interesting to note that literally hours ago, Tony Abbott (Australian PM) was ousted by his own party and replaced by Malcom Turnbull. Abbott is a “Stephen Harper” evil twin so this is significant.

    In Britain, Jeremy Corbin, a vegan, non-confrontational, left-wing socialist, has just become leader of the “Labour Party,” – a former back-bencher who was not generally taken seriously in mainstream political circles. Corbin has alienated many former shadow ministers who refuse to be more than back-benchers as he forms his cabinet. Corbin is a surprise run-away candidate in the recent leadership contest that has all the political analysts reeling as to where politics is heading in Britain?

    While I can’t comment on whether the above mentioned radical changes are good for their respective countries, It is an indication of big change afoot in the world. (I’m convinced that Jeremy Corbin, while articulate and in command of many commendable ideas, is a bit too romantic about his hard left-wing socialist ideas, It leaves people feeling slightly uneasy in a world increasingly becoming violent and nationalistic).

    Canada too should be prepared for some big shakeups in your forthcoming election. Mr, Lynton Keith Crosby might be Stephen Harpers latest “hit-squad” member, but it won’t make a blind bit of difference if the country votes to follow an entirely new political strategy and leave Mr Harper and his cronies literally eating “oily dust!”

  4. In the last three years, as I advocate for Lyme disease victims, I have pondered the lack of response to the plight of these suffering people. Could it be that, while Conservative politicians and the Harper government have paid lip service to making the changes that would help these people, nothing has been done because it would bring attention to the fact that these vector-borne diseases are the result of the climate changes that allow ticks and other vectors to live through our winters and become endemic all across Canada, in places they could never survive before?

    • Hi Myrna Lee and thank you for your comments on the Harper article.

      As you point out, the Harper government has no interest in addressing any climate change issues during this election campaign. Harper has two main talking points – the economy and national security – both of which are red herrings to avoid dealing with the multitude of other issues Canadians are concerned about. Lyme disease is serious but it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Climate change could trigger a public health crisis. See this article:

      Thanks again.


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