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Tag: Naomi Klein

The Tide Is Turning Against Fossil Fuels

A climate battle has begun in New York City. It's a battle against the fossil fuel industry. The tide is turning against the fossils....
We Are Almost At Midnight On The Climate Clock, Below2C

We Are Almost At Midnight On The Climate Clock

We have already warmed the planet by nearly 1°C. And our current carbon-emissions trajectory will get us to 4-6°C of further warming. The Paris...

Small Steps are no Longer Enough: 2016 is our Year to Leap

Small steps are no longer enough. Incremental climate action will not get us to where we need to be by 2050 - a low...

Paris Agreement: Twelve Days That Damned Our World?

The world is ruled by those who show up. And world leaders did show up last December in Paris to sign the first climate...

Is COP21 a Culmination or Just a New Starting Point?

Is COP21 the finish line of a long and tedious process of climate talks which has lasted over two decades? Is it the culmination of...

A New Day is Dawning in Canada – Bill McKibben

Message from Bill McKibben - A New Day is Dawning in Canada This post is drawn from an email message from Bill McKibben to friends...

A New Climate Movement for Canada – #JobsJusticeClimate

Canada's new climate movement continues to build after the initial Quebec #ActOnClimate march. 350 Ottawa was there. On July 5, 350 Ottawa will again join thousands...