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If You Eat Well, You're Acting on Climate, Below2C

If You Eat Well, You’re Acting on Climate

Many environmentally and socially conscious people feel overwhelmed right now. How can they counteract a host of problems, including climate disruption, species extinction, water...
Can Improving Our Diets Suppress COVID-19?, Below2C

Can Improving Our Diets Suppress COVID-19?

Being healthy is a strong determinant of who will get infected by COVID-19 and who will not. The benefits of good physical and mental...
Let's Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room, boomer warrior

Let’s Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room

Let's Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room deals with the threat that farm animals pose to the environment and to humanity....