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Tag: Pandemic

Health Professionals Step Up To Tackle the Climate Crisis

“We have a serious addiction problem. Fossil fuels are so integral to our modern world that we equate their use with our “way of...

Message to Justin Trudeau: The Climate Can’t Wait

Editor-in-Chief Linda Solomon Wood of the National Observer is calling on the Trudeau government to push forward with its $100 billion climate plan in...
To Save Our World, We Must End The Carbon Economy, Below2C

To Save Our World, We Must End The Carbon Economy

"The carbon economy amplifies racial, social and economic inequities, creating a system that is fundamentally incompatible with a stable future," says a recent opinion...
Clean Stimulus is Good For The Economy and Good For The Climate, Below2C

Clean Stimulus is Good For The Economy and Good For The Climate

A recent analysis by CBC News shows the delicate balancing act facing the Canadian government as the economy begins to reopen and find its...
Climate Activism In A Global Pandemic, Below2C

Climate Activism In A Global Pandemic

Important connections can be made between the novel Covid 19 pandemic and climate change and doing it in a good way requires nuance and...