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Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening, Below2C

Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening

You don't need to be a scientist or climatologist to know something is not right. You just need to look out your window or...

Interfaith Climate Action – Will Religion Save Us?

I'm not a religious person. I see myself as an agnostic or maybe even an atheist. I've been a passionate climate activist for several...

Moment of Truth for Obama's Climate Legacy

Pope Francis has arrived in the United States with the full impact of a diplomatic envoy. Francis is a strong climate advocate on behalf...

Pope or Kochs – Who Will Win the Climate War

Americans United for Change has just launched a campaign called Pope or Kochs.  This progressive  advocacy group describes what is happening on the climate front this...

The Most Powerful Truth of All is the Climate Crisis

I'm pleased to feature Margaret Klein's (Climate Psychologist) paper on The Transformative Power of Climate Truth in Below2C. The paper will be presented in three...