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Tag: Science

Glimmer of Climate Hope With a Mix of Cautious Optimism

The results of a recent study provide reason for optimism: The Paris Climate Agreement targets remain within reach in about three-quarters of the 100,000...
Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening, Below2C

Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening

You don't need to be a scientist or climatologist to know something is not right. You just need to look out your window or...

The Stakes Could Not Be Higher

Writing in the National Observer, Graham Saul asks two important questions: Why is the world so slow to realize that we are facing a life-threatening...

Unprecedented Crime: Something Has Gone Awfully Wrong

Unprecedented Crime is a game-changer. The debate about the effects and the causes of climate change is over. And the power of climate deniers is...

The News On Renewables Gets Better And Better

The news on renewables just keeps getting better and better. But just ten years ago, the renewables landscape was remarkably different. Today the innovation cycle...