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Spending $1.8 Trillion A Year To Finance Our Own Extinction

"The world is spending over $1.8 trillion a year, equivalent to 2% of global GDP, on subsidies that are driving the destruction of ecosystems...

Beyond Safe Limits: We Will Not Escape the Ravages of Climate Change

Many of the coming ravages of climate change are already baked in to the global heating our planet has already absorbed since the beginning...

Human And Environmental Health Go Hand In Hand

A recent study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the University of California shows that climate change is affecting our health and...
Eat Less Meat and Save the Planet, boomer warrior

Eat Less Meat and Save the Planet

What is the most sensible diet in today's climate-conscious world? What is the healthiest diet? Most health experts recommend lower meat consumption. Environmentalists would...
Standing Shoulder to Shoulder - the Overpopulation Crisis, boomer warrior

Standing Shoulder to Shoulder – the Overpopulation Crisis

The problems of overpopulation, overdevelopment and overshoot continue to be largely ignored in discussions about global climate action.  As a 'book champion', 'campaign activist' and 'campaign...