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We’re in a Climate Emergency! And it’s time we start acting like it.

September is a month of climate action. The week of September 20-27 is packed with events and moments that will be pivotal in our efforts to take on the accelerating climate crisis. This global #WeekForFuture will involve climate mobilizations in almost every single country with thousands of events planned globally.

Canada’s Climate Moment

In Canada, Friday September 27 will be our climate moment. Thousands are expected to demonstrate in cities across the country asking governments to react now with an urgency that matches the magnitude and severity of the climate crisis.

We’re calling for massive participation on the part of adults —  alongside young people — to show that adults too are concerned and want to join forces in this global effort to raise awareness and to motivate more stubborn leaders to face reality and to act. — FridaysForFuture.Org

Montreal is expecting a huge turnout as is Ottawa, the nation’s capital. Earlier this year, over 150,000 took to the streets in Montreal on the March 15th first global climate strike. With Greta Thunberg’s visit to Montreal on September 27, these numbers are sure to double. “I will be in New York on September 20th and in Montreal on September 27th,” she tweeted. “Spread the word!”

Climat GO – Climate Gatineau-Ottawa

In Ottawa, Climat GO is the regional umbrella group that is coordinating activities on Parliament Hill. A myriad of groups and organizations are pooling their resources to support what is hoped to be the loudest call for more ambitious climate action by the next government soon to be elected on  October 21.

If you haven’t done so, please register for this historic event at the following Facebook Event page:

Act for the Climate, March for the planet – Ottawa/Gatineau

Climate Strike Canada

(Description below sourced from Climate Strike Canada website)

Climate Strike Canada is the overarching network of students, young people, activists, and allies, which connects all of the climate action surrounding the Canadian school strike movement. Its initial school strikes were inspired by Greta Thunberg’s “Fridays for Future” movement, in which children of all ages strike from school on Fridays to call for urgent climate action.

Because of Canada’s size and incredible diversity, not everyone who plans and attends a strike does it in the same way. Some strikes are not held on Fridays, some happen every month as opposed to every week, and some are planned and attended by parents, university students, and elementary school students, rather than just high schoolers.

However, we are united by a goal of climate justice, and we all empower, train, and equip one another with the goals and means to create change in our communities. Climate Strike Canada has 7 demands:

  • Bold Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets
  • Separation of Oil and State
  • A Just Transition to Clean Energy
  • Environmental Rights
  • Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Protection of Vulnerable Communities

For more details, click on Our Demands.

Greenpeace: There’s something every one of us can do

Greenpeace says “there’s something every one of us can do.” It calls for

  1. Putting climate polluters on notice
  2. Peaceful civil disobedience
  3. Hold the car industry to account
  4. Stand up for climate justice and human rights
  5. Join young people striking around the world
  6. Stand with us for forests
  7. Help protect our oceans

Related articles:
Helping Kids Prepare For A Climate Constrained Future
So How’s That Climate Emergency Thing Going?

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Creative Commons License

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  1. I know the climate strikes are in major cities, but there are likely to be spontaneous events in smaller places too. I will look for one where I am in UK.
    Power back to the people. 😊 Power to Greta and all the kids too!

    • We are having ours today. It looks like 300K in Montreal and thousands more across the land. In Ottawa, we expect 8-10 thousand.


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