Climate Actions For Your Kids and Grandkids, Below2C

Climate Actions For Your Kids and Grandkids

Children all over the world are asking oodles of questions about climate change. Unlike their parents who did not have to face such an...
Oil and Gas Industry Doubling Down on Plastic Production

Oil and Gas Industry Doubling Down on Plastic Production

Thirty two percent (32%) of plastic packaging ends up littering the environment, 40% is sitting in a landfill somewhere, 14% is incinerated, another 14%...
Time For a Gut Check - Part III of Sucking Up To Business, Below2C

Time For a Gut Check – Part III of Sucking Up To Business

This is the third of three posts by Brad Zarnett, a Canadian sustainability strategist, writer and speaker. He is the Founder of the Toronto Sustainability...
Discover the Toxicity of Plastics Recycling, Below2C

Discover the Toxicity of Plastics Recycling

The mass production and consumption of plastics has created perhaps the biggest environmental crisis in human history. To solve the plastic problem we need...
Playtime Is Over, It's the System - Part II of Sucking Up To Business, Below2C

Playtime Is Over, It’s the System – Part II of Sucking Up To Business

This is the second of three posts by Brad Zarnett, a Canadian sustainability strategist, writer and speaker. He is the Founder of the Toronto Sustainability...
The Climate Clock is Ticking - Stop Sucking Up To Business, Below2C

The Climate Clock is Ticking – Stop Sucking Up To Business

The climate clock is ticking—getting closer and closer to midnight. We need an all-hands-on-deck strategy to tackle climate change and avert the catastrophic consequences...
COVID-19 Breaks Earth Overshoot Day Trend, Below2C

COVID-19 Breaks Earth Overshoot Day Trend

On August 22, we busted the Earth's budget for 2020. We are now operating in overshoot—in ecological deficit.  "Earth Overshoot Day marks the date...
Mass Consumerism Is the Roadblock That Stands In Our Way, Below2C

Mass Consumerism Is the Roadblock That Stands In Our Way

In a previous article, Brad Zarnett asks if "our ape brains are poorly configured to address a slow moving crisis with speed." One might...
Seven Tips To Make Your Holiday Season Greener, Below2C

Seven Tips To Make Your Holiday Season Greener

Harriet Shugarman is a recognized climate influencer and connector for parents (both mamas and papas) on solutions for the climate crisis. She is an...
Reducing Your Home Carbon Footprint Is Easy, Below2C

Reducing Your Home Carbon Footprint Is Easy

This is the story of how Bill and Lenore (a couple living in Ottawa, Canada) were able to reduce their home carbon footprint with...