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Tag: CO2 Emissions

The Race To Zero – We Don’t Have Time To Wait

Evidence about the climate breakdowns is mounting daily. Climate change is no longer a slow emergency. It's happening in real time. The world is...
Not What Will It Cost, But What Will It Take, Below2C

Not What Will It Cost, But What Will It Take

Canada declared a climate emergency on June 17. And during the ongoing election campaign, climate has emerged at the top issue. It's time to...

Another Black Eye for Canada on Climate Action

It's another black eye for Canada's reputation in the global climate action community. Canada's post 2020 emissions targets are another disappointing sign in our...

The Whole Truth About the Oil Crash

I'm pleased to welcome J.L. Morin as a contributor to BoomerWarrior.Org. Morin, a Harvard graduate, is now adjunct faculty at Boston University. Her writing has been...