Tag: Justin Trudeau
Which Side of History Will You Be On?
I attended the Climate Welcome training on Wednesday in preparation for the march and sit-in at Prime Minister Trudeau’s residence on Sussex Drive. I...
Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Canadian Press Photo of Justin Trudeau Letter to Justin Trudeau I begin this letter by extending my congratulations for your recent election as the next Prime...
The Climate Welcome and What You Can Do
It’s a pivotal moment on our planet. 2015 has been defined by wildfires, floods and record breaking temperatures that made headlines across Canada and...
Carbon Fee and Dividend – Best for Lower and Middle Income
There are two very important election campaigns going on in North America at this time. Canadians will go to the polls on October 19...
Election Canada 2015 – Climate Letter to Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau
Climate Letter to Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau I'm forwarding this letter to all four federal party leaders. The letter is about the need for a...
Letter to Federal Party Leaders Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau
Letter to Stephen Harper, Elizabeth May, Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau I'm forwarding this letter to all four federal party leaders. The letter is about the need...