Tag: Pension Funds
Oil and Gas Insiders Overseeing Canadians’ Retirement Savings
Canadian pension funds aren’t just large investors in fossil fuels. In many cases, pension directors, trustees and staff sit on the boards of fossil...
Is Your Pension Fund Fueling the Climate Crisis
If you're a pension fund beneficiary or contributor, how your retirement savings are invested is of utmost importance as the world enters the era...
Canadian Pension Plans Are Funding the Climate Crisis
Canada's pension plans are funding the climate crisis by investing trillions in fossil fuel production and expansion. In an Op-Ed published in Corporate Knights earlier...
Canada’s Banks Among The ‘Dirty Thirty’ Lenders To Global Coal Industry
On the same day a new report showing that Canada's banks are among the 'Dirty Thirty' lenders to the global coal industry, RBC—Canada's largest...
Your Pension Money – Fossils or Climate Solutions?
The financial sector funds climate change. It's an undeniable fact. And as this becomes more front and centre, both beneficiaries and contributors to pension...
BankSwitch: Your Savings Could Save Earth
The pressure on the financial sector—banks, pension funds, insurance companies—to join the global movement to tackle the climate crisis is mounting. And the number...
Shift:Action – From Fossils To Zero-Carbon On Pensions
"Canada’s top ten pension funds alone manage over $1.5 trillion. How these funds invest your retirement dollars is a major factor in how quickly...