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Tag: Population Growth

Ending Climate Change Begins In The Cities

Climate change happens at home. It happens where we live and not just some faraway place halfway around the globe. Over half of the...

A World With Ten Billion People Does Not Turn Out Well

The problems of overpopulation, overdevelopment and overshoot continue to be largely ignored by the climate movement. As a 'book champion', 'campaign activist' and 'campaign friend' of the Global...

Overpopulation: One Human Race Living On One Planet

We are one human race, rapidly expanding, living on a finite planet. We continue to ignore the problems of overpopulation, overdevelopment and overshoot at our own...
Climate Change - the Medical Emergency, boomer warrior

Climate Change – the Medical Emergency

In 2008, poor air quality alone, including from oil and gas production, cost Canada about $8-billion, according to a report by the Canadian Medical...
Have You Got 4 Minutes

The Population Explosion In Four Minutes

In this video, Hans Rosling shows the correlation between health (life expectation) and the wealth of countries, which has caused the population explosion. If you...