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This Is A Very Good Deal For The Climate, Below2C

This Is A Very Good Deal For The Climate

"The bill that includes $369 billion in climate and energy provisions will transform how Americans get their energy and shape the country’s climate and...
Eliminate 90% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 15 Years, Below2C

Eliminate 90% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 15 Years

"Technology disruptions already underway in the energy, transportation, and food sectors have extraordinary implications for climate change. These three disruptions alone, driven by just...

It's Time To Redo the Climate Math

If you found the old climate math somewhat scary, you will find the new climate math of 2016 horrifying. A new study just released, The Sky's...

Small Steps are no Longer Enough: 2016 is our Year to Leap

Small steps are no longer enough. Incremental climate action will not get us to where we need to be by 2050 - a low...

Why Are We Still Talking Pipelines

We are incredibly still talking pipelines when the economic opportunities of a quick transition to clean energy are so alluring, so obvious. Where is the national...

Paris Agreement: Twelve Days That Damned Our World?

The world is ruled by those who show up. And world leaders did show up last December in Paris to sign the first climate...

Election Canada 2015 – Climate Letter to Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau

Climate Letter to  Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau I'm forwarding this letter to all four federal party leaders. The letter is about the need for a...

Letter to Federal Party Leaders Harper, May, Mulcair, Trudeau

Letter to Stephen Harper, Elizabeth May, Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau I'm forwarding this letter to all four federal party leaders. The letter is about the need...

A New Climate Movement for Canada – #JobsJusticeClimate

Canada's new climate movement continues to build after the initial Quebec #ActOnClimate march. 350 Ottawa was there. On July 5, 350 Ottawa will again join thousands...
Ten Energy Saving Myths - See How You Rate, boomer warrior

Ten Energy Saving Myths – See How You Rate

I'm pleased to welcome Barry Cinnamon to BoomerWarrior. Barry is the host of the Energy Show on Renewable Energy World,  a weekly 20-minute podcast that provides...