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I’m a Climate Reality Leader (Chicago2013). As I reflect on the success of the thousands of events which happened around the globe on the weekend that preceded the start of the COP21 climate talks, I’m pleased to feature this blog post from the Climate Reality Project. The article explores how human events, which at their time of occurrence may seem totally innocuous, come to be seen as momentous – changing the course of history – when looked at through an historical lens. (Rolly Montpellier, Editor for BoomerWarrior).

Moments that Change the Course of History

A Moment That Will Change the Course of History, boomer warrior

As we look forward to a turning point on climate in Paris during the next week, let’s look back at three days that changed the course of history in the twentieth century.

When you’re looking through the rearview mirror, there’s always the temptation to see the turning points of the twentieth century as something like events in a Hollywood movie. With incredible heroes who stride forward at the decisive hour and action rising to a dramatic climax.

What this tends to overlook is how, so often, these moments are made possible by millions of people whose names are forgotten by history. All through countless smaller acts that may never inspire a movie but unsettled the foundations of the status quo. So that when the decisive hour comes, conditions are ripe for action that transforms how people live, breathe, and see the world around them, and what was impossible in the morning is inevitable in the evening. Thanks in part, to those millions.

At the ongoing COP21 climate talks, the prospect of a strong global climate agreement very much a reality, we at Climate Reality been thinking a lot about turning points. As Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change wrote in a recent Guardian commentary, “We will look back at this moment as a moment of remarkable transformation, as the indisputable turning point of the century.” There are a million ways to say how and why, but perhaps the simplest is that children born after December 11 (the end of the climate conference) will enter a world that’s decided to finally address climate change. Just think about what that means for a moment. And while a great deal of hard, hard work will still be ahead to make sure policymakers live up to their promises (and get even more ambitious about the promises they make), such an agreement opens up a whole new set of possibilities that could not exist without it.

In the meantime, those countless smaller acts continue and this past weekend, millions came together in cities around the world for the Global Climate March to speak as one planet and push for a turning point in Paris. So as we reflect on the overwheoming success of this past weekend’s march, we’re also looking back at three other days that changed the world. These successes inspire us to continue our work on the climate.

MARCH 7, 1965 – Bloody Sunday

Former President Truman called it “silly” when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a group of some 600 protestors from Selma, Alabama with the plan of marching to the state’s capital in Montgomery to call attention to the violence and discrimination African Americans were facing in trying to register to vote. They didn’t get far, as – under the orders of notorious segregationist and Alabama Governor George Wallace – state troopers brutally assaulted the marchers with clubs and tear gas on the Edmund Pettis Bridge and forced them to turn back to Selma. Television cameras captured the violence on a day that became known as “Bloody Sunday,” shocking and awakening the nation’s conscience.

The result: when 2,000 marchers set out again for a five-day march to Montgomery on March 21, they were met by 50,000 supporters on the road and by the capitol when they arrived. As Dr. King proclaimed on the capitol steps, “No tide of racism can stop us,” while in DC, Congress was proving him right, getting ready to pass the Voting Rights Act that August guaranteeing the right to vote to all Americans.

NOVEMBER 9, 1989 – the Berlin Wall

Call it a bureaucratic misunderstanding. Call it a glorious mistake. But whatever you call it, the one event that has become synonymous with the fall of Communism in the popular imagination – the fall of the Berlin Wall – might never have happened – at least not so soon – if an East German state spokesman hadn’t flubbed his lines at a press conference.

Rewind to 1989. In the USSR, then General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev had been introducing political and social reforms to both placate and ensure Communist Party control of the citizens demanding greater and greater freedoms across the Eastern Bloc. In East Germany, party leaders felt they too had to make some concessions and decided to announce some minor changes to the nation’s travel restrictions at a press conference.

Nothing truly was supposed to change. Except that the official announcing the news and responding to questions on television, Günter Schabowski, mentioned that travel abroad would be “possible for every citizen,” beginning “right away, immediately.” It was enough to give reporters the impression that the state had made sweeping changes. And when they reported what they thought was news, it was enough to inspire thousands of restless East Berliners who’d sought greater and greater freedoms to begin massing at the wall that night and ultimately force a crossing into West Berlin. Hungry for a better life, East Germans seized the moment and once they’d pulled the first brick from the wall, there was no stopping them.

FEBRUARY 11, 1990 – South Africa Apartheid

“Comrades and fellow South Africans, I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom,” said Nelson Mandela to the thousands massed before Cape Town’s city hall, speaking on his first day of freedom.

“I stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people. …  Today, the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It has to be ended by our decisive mass action.”

It would be. For decades, black South Africans had fought for the end of apartheid and after 27 years in prison, Mandela standing in public signaled that it was near. It would not be a smooth road to get there as violent clashes between white police and black South Africans as well as between Mandela’s African National Congress and other rival organizations followed in the near term. Thousands died in the next few years, but the sight of Mandela proved a turning point that inspired many to keep believing a more just and free South Africa was possible and working to make it happen. Their efforts led to the country’s first truly free election in 1994, which elected Mandela as the first black South African president.

November 29, 2015 – Global Climate March

A Moment That Will Change the Course of History, boomer warrior
Image: Rolly Montpellier, BoomerWarrior

Most of us will never have the chance to join the talks where negotiators shape a global climate agreement. But together we can make it possible for those who do to make these talks a turning point to rank with Selma, Berlin, and Cape Town with a bold agreement to accelerate the planet-wide shift to clean energy and address climate change while we still have time.

On November 29th, I joined another 10,000 Canadians in the Ottawa march, the largest group ever to march on Parliament Hill. All around the world, thousands of events marked the importance of the Paris climate talks. There will be no turning back in Paris. After twenty years of COP conferences, world leaders will finally come up with a climate agreement that will begin the process of cleaning up the environment for our children and grandchildren. Future generations will look back on November 29, 2015, as the day the climate movement won and changed the course of climate history.


RollyRolly Montpellier is the Founder and Managing Editor of BoomerWarrior.Org. He’s a Climate Reality leader, a Blogger and a Climate Activist. He’s a member of Climate Reality Canada, Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Ottawa) and 350.Org (Ottawa), the Ethical Team (as an influencer)  and Global Population Speakout.

Rolly has been published widely in both print and online publications. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest.

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  1. Because of global warming and climate change we know we will have an epic battle ahead if we are not going to continue indefinitely to give in to the fossil fuel era craziness and doom our descendants to a far worse economic and environmental situation than we have enjoyed. I have developed and my firm offers innovative new technologies that offer new pathways, new approaches and new solutions because we need to be innovative if we are to pass on a tenable condition to future generations.

    My position is; to win this epic battle, humanity needs new, modern and innovative tools of battle, and my firm – Advanced Alternative Energy – has developed such technology and so I’m inviting requests for more information from all interested in helping to help humanity move forward on a much saner pathway. Please call or email me if you would sincerely like more information on my novel, new concept technology, a technology designed for the epic battle ahead, and designed to help us win the fight for humanity’s long term survival.

    AAEC management believes we will do better and be safer in the long run if we can deploy a practical way to power our societies on extraction of greenhouse gases that have already been emitted into earth’s atmosphere while also reducing ongoing greenhouse emissions and begin protecting our communities and electric power grids. We are claiming to be the inventor of one of the repowering “tools” needed to enable humanity to overhaul the power delivery system, in the USA and elsewhere, and help get us out of the box fossil fuels and governmental inaction have humanity boxed up in. We propose to do this through deployment of advanced alternative energy projects at residential, village, community and county scale because many good paying infrastructure construction jobs are needed worldwide. Thus AAEC is seeking support from any and all that may care to support this grass roots – trickle up – project.

    Here is a notice I’ve posted on Facebook and elsewhere.


    AAEC invented, patented, tested and further developed a novel new concept low-carbon energy technology we’ve designed for serving as the core technology for far cleaner renewable energy production systems and energy efficiency improvements across the American landscape and around the world. AAEC’s novel new concept technology consists of a biomass, fossil fuel, and municipal waste combustion, gasification and pyrolysis conversion technology that can provide scalable heat and power requirements as well as both biofuel and biochar production. AAEC’s technology is for stand-alone use or as backup for alternative energy systems that depend on solar, wind or other intermittent sources of energy, and in this way it will help enable a doubling of the deployment of alternative energy projects around the world in coming decades.

    AAEC developed this new concept breakthrough technology to enable homeowners, businesses, towns, cities and counties to convert completely to cleaner energy. AAEC is for all those who understand that distributed alternative / renewable energy derived from solar, wind, biomass and waste is a viable pathway to stall global warming and produce a much better future for our descendants, and ultimately for all humanity. AAEC offers a viable way to move to a future where we are better at controlling global warming. Fossil fuel firms and utilities may at first oppose what AAEC offers and prefer to continue passing on the costs in cleaning up their operations to their clients and customers even if better options are available that would benefit them as well.

    AAEC management believes we will all do better and be safer in the long run if we can deploy a practical way to power all human activities on extraction of greenhouse gases that have already been emitted into earth’s atmosphere while also cutting back on ongoing greenhouse emissions and begin protecting communities and electric power grids. I’m claiming to be an inventor of one of the “tools” needed to enable humanity to overhaul the power delivery system, in the USA and elsewhere, and help get us out of the box fossil fuels and governmental inaction have humanity bound up in. I propose to do this through deployment of advanced alternative energy projects at residential, community, city and county scale as good paying, infrastructure producing, jobs are needed. Therefore AAEC is seeking support from any and all that may care to support this trickle up – distributed energy – project. With such support AAEC will enable bringing energy production to the people much as the PC brought computing to the people.

    Les Blevins
    Advanced Alternative Energy Corp.
    1207 N 1800 Rd., Lawrence, KS 66049
    Phone 785-842-1943 – Email

    For more info see

    “We’re the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and we’re the last generation that can do something about it. We only get one planet. There’s no Plan B.” ~ President Barack Obama
    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckmister Fuller
    “There are risks and costs to any program of action, but they can be far less than the long range risks and costs of inaction” ~ President John F. Kennedy


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