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Below2°C is our new website. It is premised on the overwhelming consensus that our planet must not exceed two degrees Celsius of warming. The Paris Agreement’s “central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”


Published on Nov 30, 2015
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You’re likely to hear the term 2°C a lot during the next two weeks as world leaders, scientists and policymakers meet in Paris in one of the most important climate change conferences in years. They seek to come to a binding agreement that keeps the planet from warming 2 degrees Celsius from pre-Industrial temperatures. But why that target? And what happens if we go past it? Climate Central chief meteorologist Bernadette Woods Placky has the answers.

Climate change is the most critical issue of our times. And it’s by far the greatest threat to our civilization. The rate of warming of our planet is accelerating with the ten hottest years occurring since 1998. And 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded, besting 2015 which bested 2014. If left unchecked, humanity will face runaway climate change with unprecedented or unimaginable catastrophic consequences.

2°C of warming is an important threshold. It will be the most meaningful number for decades to come. It will be on everybody’s mind as we continue to pass thresholds and tipping points. Holding warming well below two degrees Celsius is fast becoming the singular goal.

We Have The Solutions

Solutions are at hand but the fossil fuel economy of the last 100 years has created incredible momentum and inertia to change. The climate denial industry remains strong. Paid lobbyists with vested interests continue to spread misinformation and lies about climate change to influence government policies, resulting in half-measures and out-and-out bad decisions by world leaders.

But there is hope. The renewable revolution is happening at an ever quickening pace. Tipping points for renewable electricity generation, battery technology, electric cars, green fund growth, the divestment movement, etc. offer multiple opportunities for rapid progress and the compelling economic logic needed to shift quickly.

Canada has an engaged, well-informed and intelligent citizenry that takes climate change seriously. Our work must be to ensure that our politicians accept the urgency of climate action and make the right choices.

We call on all of you to JOIN US in the battle to save the planet. Let’s keep it @WellBelow2C.


A fossil-free Canada during our grandchildren’s lifetime


  1. To raise awareness about the need to limit the warming of the planet to less than 2°C.
  2. To influence our politicians at all levels to take pressing action on pricing carbon.
  3. To facilitate and accelerate our transition to a clean energy platform by 2050.

Please Help Us Achieve Our Collective Goals

Share to raise climate awareness


  1. Nice launch of ‘Below2°C’

    Hope it is a success and everyone who cares about the future of our planet can connect here to make sure that our leaders make the right choices to keep rising temperatures below 2°C while planning for a future using green technologies and a circular economy.

    I’ll be sure to connect @WellBelow2C and @BoomerWarrior on Twitter too!

    • Hi Colette,

      I’m currently in Spain, in Barcelona. I know you’ve been this way in your travels.

      Thank you for the support. I hope all our supporters will help promote the site. The purpose of the site is simple – to raise awareness about the dangers of warming to 2C or higher. We cannot, must not, let that happen.


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