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Canada’s recent net-zero legislation (Bill C-12) fails once again to meet the scale of the climate threat Canadians and the world are up against. It is not the transformative piece of legislation that the Liberals promised and that Canadians expected. At best it is a tepid and half-hearted attempt “that formalizes the federal government’s existing approach to managing climate policy,” reports The Tyee. The “new Liberal bill promises net-zero emissions by 2050, but has no targets, no plan, no commitment to involve other levels of government.” (Editor intro)

Net-Zero Legislation Fails the Test

(The following post first published in The Narwhal exposes the shortfalls of the Trudeau net-zero emissions legislation.)

Environmental groups welcomed the introduction of climate accountability legislation in the House of Commons [recently] but warned the bill as written doesn’t have the teeth needed to ensure Canada meets its climate targets.

Bill C-12 requires the Minister of the Environment to set five-year emissions reductions targets starting in 2030 in order to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and to develop plans for meeting each goal.

But if the government fails to meet one of its legislated targets, the minister is only required to explain why and describe the actions the government is taking or will take to meet it.

While the public reporting requirements could add pressure on the government to take needed climate action, “to be truly accountable, the bill needs to go one step further and actually require the minister to ensure that those plans will meet the specific targets,” said Anna Johnston, a staff lawyer with West Coast Environmental Law.

Legal requirements to meet targets must be clear

Canada has so far failed to meet its international climate targets and the federal government’s own data shows the country is currently on track to miss its 2030 target as well.

Accountability for establishing targets and meeting them should be enshrined in the legislation so the government can be held to account in the courts, she said.

As it stands, the proposed bill doesn’t quite meet the standards set by the United Kingdom’s climate accountability legislation, which, according to Johnston, sets clearer requirements for the government to follow expert advice, establish carbon budgets and achieve targeted emissions reductions.

“It is a good first step,” Johnston said, but she and others hope the legislation will be strengthened before it becomes law.

Why not a 2025 climate target?

…new form of denialism sees our political leaders ….assure us that they understand and accept the scientific warnings about climate change, but then they promote and practice a politics and policy agenda that fails to align with what the scientific consensus says we must do” — Seth Klein, author of A Good War

Catherine Abreu, executive director of Climate Action Network Canada, was among those who called for the government to add a 2025 emissions reduction target to the bill and to set a more ambitious target for 2030.

“If this piece of legislation is going to drive climate ambition — and that’s what we need it to do — it needs to do that in the near-term, not just in the long-term,” she said.

If the bill passes as written, the federal government will have up to nine months after the legislation is enshrined to establish a 2030 target and to develop a plan to meet that goal.

But the Trudeau government would not have to report on its own progress toward meeting that goal during its current term, as the first progress report would only be required by the beginning of 2028.

The government’s plans to meet its emissions reductions goals will have to include a description of the key measures the government will undertake to reduce emissions and a description of relevant sector-specific strategies.

The bill also requires the government to report publicly on its progress towards each five-year target and further requires the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to assess and report on the government’s progress at least once every five years.

The legislation will also establish an expert advisory body to advise the minister on measures to reach net zero emissions.

While Abreu is happy to see the creation of an expert committee included in the bill, she noted that expert advice is needed to inform the establishment of interim targets and development of plans to reach those targets as well as the government’s ultimate 2050 net-zero emissions goal.

Dale Marshall, national climate program manager at Environmental Defence, also raised concerns that the bill doesn’t require regular assessment of the government’s progress by independent experts.

“The climate accountability legislation introduced today unfortunately has major deficiencies that will, at best, hold future federal governments accountable for Canada’s climate commitments,” Marshall said in a statement. 

Climate targets require support from all governments

Experts say there is an urgent need to address the role provinces and territories have to play in meeting Canada’s legislated climate targets.

“That’s a big barrier to progress on climate change in this country and something that we are going to need to confront,” Abreu said.

She noted there’s a “huge variation” in the climate ambition of different provinces.

“Figuring out how we balance the level of effort fairly across the country is not an easy conversation to have but it is a conversation we are going to have to have if Canada is going to be a good global player,” she said.

But shifts in the global economy could make the prospect of major emissions reductions more palatable across the country.

According to the United Nations, 120 countries, more than 1,000 businesses and 45 of the largest investors have so far committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Sara Hastings-Simon, a research fellow at the University of Calgary’s school of public policy, said that reality could shift the tone of the conversation in Canada.

“If the world is net-zero in 2050, then it’s not a burden to have an economy that is aligned with that net-zero world,” she said.

“It’s really a requirement in order to have a successful, vibrant and prosperous economy.”

Tar Sands Mining in Alberta: Chris Evans, The Pembina Institute,

In Alberta for instance, which accounts for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions amongst the provinces, the conversation may shift from the need to reduce oil production to meet Canada’s climate targets because demand for the product may decline naturally as the world moves towards its 2050 target, Hastings-Simon explained.

But Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has also recognized that climate action is becoming more important for oil and gas companies to access capital, The Western Producer and CBC reported in October.

Net-zero legislation must provide certainty for business

Canada’s climate accountability legislation will provide certainty for businesses that greenhouse gas emissions reductions will remain on the agenda in Ottawa regardless of a change in government, some observers said.

Isabelle Turcotte, the federal policy director at the Pembina Institute, said Bill C-12 will enable businesses  “to confidently make investments needed today to create jobs in the competitive economy of tomorrow.”

“Nations are racing to attract billions of dollars in global capital that are being mobilized to generate a safe, low-carbon economy,” she said. “ [The] bill ensures that Canada will have a place at the starting line by eliminating business concern that policies put in place by a government today might be scrapped tomorrow.”

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem warned this week that Canada needs to move quickly to both minimize the threat climate change poses and to take hold of the business opportunities it presents.

Canada has been pushing climate plans and setting climate targets for three decades. We have met none of those targets, not the 2012 Kyoto Protocol nor the 2020 Copenhagen Accord with only one month left in the year. And unless this latest Net-Zero legislation is drastically amended to have more teeth, we are certain to miss the climate targets of the next 30 years as well. (Editor comment)

What We’re Up Against: The New Climate Denialism
Pushing the Reset Button on the Paris Agreement
Why Canada Needs Climate Accountability Laws

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