Mass Consumerism Is the Roadblock That Stands In Our Way, Below2C

Mass Consumerism Is the Roadblock That Stands In Our Way

In a previous article, Brad Zarnett asks if "our ape brains are poorly configured to address a slow moving crisis with speed." One might...
Lord Man - The Call of More, boomer warrior

Lord Man – The Call of More

I worry that one of the leading causes of global warming, the world's exploding population, was largely ignored at the recent climate talks leading up...
The Story of a Plastic Spoon, Below2C

The Story of a Plastic Spoon

Most of us have often used a plastic spoon. And we really never question its origins. The video featured in this post traces the evolution of the...
Earth Overshoot Day - My Pledges for the Planet, boomer warrior

Earth Overshoot Day – My Pledges for the Planet

Humans have now reached Earth Overshoot Day 2016. In less than eight months, we have used more natural resources than the planet is capable...
Let's Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room, boomer warrior

Let’s Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room

Let's Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room deals with the threat that farm animals pose to the environment and to humanity....
Plastic Madness, boomer warrior

Plastic Madness

The following article by David Suzuki (with contributions by Senior Editor Ian Hanington) is entitled Microbeads are a sign of our plastic consumer madness. It has...
Ten Energy Saving Myths - See How You Rate, boomer warrior

Ten Energy Saving Myths – See How You Rate

I'm pleased to welcome Barry Cinnamon to BoomerWarrior. Barry is the host of the Energy Show on Renewable Energy World,  a weekly 20-minute podcast that provides...
The Shift in Conversation: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables, boomer warrior

The Shift in Conversation: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables

The following article (by David Suzuki, entitled Energy Shift Requires Shift in Conversation) has been circulated by email by the David Suzuki Foundation. "Where...