Tag: Al Gore
The Climate Crisis Is a Fossil Fuel Crisis
"Humans are binge-burning fossil fuels. They are taking fuel out of the geologic past, burning it in the present with complex (and little understood)...
24 Hours of Climate Reality: What’s Different This Year
From October 31 to November 12, representatives of nearly 200 countries will meet in Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations’ 26th Conference of Parties...
How To Keep Your #ClimateHope Tanks Full
The tide of public opinion about the urgency of climate action is turning. And once it crosses that tipping point, it isn't going back....
The Story of a Climate Reality Leader and Mentor
I’m happy and honored to pay tribute to Harriet Shugarman, a Climate Reality colleague and friend since my Chicago2013 training. We have worked together...
The Voice Of 10,000 Climate Leaders – 24 Hours of Reality
Since its establishment in 2006, the Climate Reality Project has trained over 10,000 climate leaders representing more than 125 countries. We at Below2°C are...
Be Inconvenient. Our World Depends On It
It's important to keep sounding the alarm about the climate crisis which is transforming our world. The climate crisis affects all of us. And...
3 Reasons To Have #ClimateHope
Climate change is not abstract. It is real. And we cannot just look away. There's no way back to the other side of this....
Climate Truth Turns to Power #BeInconvenient
We are pleased to feature this post by Harriet Sugarman who is the Executive Director of ClimateMama. As collaborating climate action partners, Below2°C and ClimateMama...
Climate Changes, Truth Does Not
When you first saw Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, there 's a good chance you were left somewhat stunned and speechless. I...
I’m a Climate Activist Because of An Inconvenient Truth
The release of An Inconvenient Truth is 2006 would change my life. As I watched in horror how climate change would impact future generations,...
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