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Tag: Fossil Fuels

Another Black Eye for Canada on Climate Action

It's another black eye for Canada's reputation in the global climate action community. Canada's post 2020 emissions targets are another disappointing sign in our...
The Shift in Conversation: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables, boomer warrior

The Shift in Conversation: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables

The following article (by David Suzuki, entitled Energy Shift Requires Shift in Conversation) has been circulated by email by the David Suzuki Foundation. "Where...

On the Cusp of the Third Industrial Revolution

Jeremy Rifkin's book, The Third Industrial Revolution, has provided the inspiration for this post. The premise of Rifkin's book is that fundamental economic change occurs when new...

Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott – Axis of Carbon

This initiative is being led by The Story of Stuff Project. BoomerWarrior has collaborated on many occasions with The Story of Stuff and I’m...

It's Your Move Mr. Harper

In his 2013 inaugural speech following his 2012 re-election, President Barack Obama made it very clear that Climate Change would be the cornerstone of...
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This is Not A Theory, Not an Opinion. This is the Cost of Carbon.

The science is settled. Our planet is heating up, and carbon pollution from Dirty Energy is to blame. The fossil fuel industry burns oil,...
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So you Wanna Solve Climate Change?

MotherJones asks the question: So you Wanna Solve Climate Change? In this parody on climate change, James West ridicules the difficulties encountered by President Obama...
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