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Tag: Global Heating

September 23: the Mother-of-All Climate Strikes

The September 23 global climate strike will arguably be the mother-of-all climate strikes. Not because of the number of people who will take to...
Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic, Below2C

Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic

"It’s not possible to frame either climate change or COVID-19 as crises that somehow stand alone or are separate from existing, overlapping layers of...
Probability of Staying Below 2°C of Warming is Only 5%, Below2C

Probability of Staying Below 2°C of Warming is Only 5%

"On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and...
To Prevent Extinction, Banks Have To Stop Funding It, Below2C

To Prevent Extinction, Banks Have To Stop Funding It

"To prevent extinction, banks have to stop funding it." — Portfolio Earth That's according to Bankrolling Extinction, a new report published Wednesday by Portfolio Earth, an initiative seeking...

Tell Your Bank: Don’t Dirty My Money

Did you know that the money you've set aside for tomorrow and for the future of your children and grandchildren is being used to...
Humans Can't Be Healthy On A Sick Planet, Belw2C

Humans Can’t Be Healthy On A Sick Planet

Below2C welcomes Elaine Blacklock as its latest guest contributor. Elaine is first and foremost a practicing physician. She is also Dr. Air Care, a...

Earth Day Week and World’s Largest Online Conference

Press Release: Together with We Don't Have Time, Earth Day Network and Exponential Roadmap we invite you to join us for Earth Day Week, April...

Something Is Shifting For The Fossils

Something is shifting in the fossil fuel industry. It's no longer business as usual for the 'fossils' and the governments that support them. People...

It’s the 2020s And We’re In A Climate Emergency OMG Moment

In this Oped, first published in Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Stephen Leahy maintains that "the climate emergency should be an OMG moment for Canadians...

Friday September 27 Is Canada’s Climate Moment

We're in a Climate Emergency! And it's time we start acting like it. September is a month of climate action. The week of September 20-27...