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Tag: Green Living

If You Eat Well, You're Acting on Climate, Below2C

If You Eat Well, You’re Acting on Climate

Many environmentally and socially conscious people feel overwhelmed right now. How can they counteract a host of problems, including climate disruption, species extinction, water...
Get A Heat Pump: Save Money, Energy and the Climate, Below2C

Get A Heat Pump: Save Money, Energy and the Climate

As I post this article by Stephen Leahy, there's a heat pump being installed in our home. This will complete another step on our...
To Save Our World, We Must End The Carbon Economy, Below2C

To Save Our World, We Must End The Carbon Economy

"The carbon economy amplifies racial, social and economic inequities, creating a system that is fundamentally incompatible with a stable future," says a recent opinion...

Music Is A Powerful Tool In The Fight For Our Climate

Music is powerful. We are deeply impacted by the music we listen to. It can influence our moods and shape our behaviours. This is...
Seven Tips To Make Your Holiday Season Greener, Below2C

Seven Tips To Make Your Holiday Season Greener

Harriet Shugarman is a recognized climate influencer and connector for parents (both mamas and papas) on solutions for the climate crisis. She is an...
Reducing Your Home Carbon Footprint Is Easy, Below2C

Reducing Your Home Carbon Footprint Is Easy

This is the story of how Bill and Lenore (a couple living in Ottawa, Canada) were able to reduce their home carbon footprint with...

Renter’s Guide To Green and Sustainable Living

We all want to do what we can to reduce our footprint and help the planet, but that can seem difficult, if not impossible,...

The Time has Come for Carbon Labeling

If you ask the average person, they will likely tell you that they want to do the right thing when it comes to the...

Why Electric Car Rebates Really Work

Clare Demerse is the federal policy adviser for Clean Energy Canada. Clare manages policy engagement on federal and national issues, focusing on renewable energy,...
The Story of a Plastic Spoon, Below2C

The Story of a Plastic Spoon

Most of us have often used a plastic spoon. And we really never question its origins. The video featured in this post traces the evolution of the...