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Tag: Greenhouse Gases

The Global Fight We Must Win: #EndFossilFuels, Below2C

The Global Fight We Must Win: #EndFossilFuels

The climate crisis cannot be solved if we continue to burn fossil fuels. To have any hope of addressing the root causes of the...
Canada Is On Fire - Open Letter by Seniors for Climate Action Now, Below2C

Canada Is On Fire – Open Letter by Seniors for Climate Action Now

A recent study links the rise of wildfires directly to emissions produced by oil companies. The research quantifies the connection between companies, emissions and...
Ongoing Reckless Investment in Fossil Fuel Expansion by CPP, Below2C

Ongoing Reckless Investment in Fossil Fuel Expansion by CPP

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is the largest pension fund in Canada and one of the largest in the world. The CPPIB (Canada Pension...

Canada Needs A Bold Emissions Cap

The Oil and Gas industry remains one of the biggest obstacles in Canada's quest to cut emissions reports the National Observer. "Canada’s progress on...
Get A Heat Pump: Save Money, Energy and the Climate, Below2C

Get A Heat Pump: Save Money, Energy and the Climate

As I post this article by Stephen Leahy, there's a heat pump being installed in our home. This will complete another step on our...
Letter to the CEO of the Oil Bank of Canada, Below2C

Letter to the CEO of the Oil Bank of Canada

In his message in the RBC Climate Blueprint, CEO David McKay says that "Global plans to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by...
RBC Was the #1 Financier of Fossil Fuels and Climate Chaos in 2022, Below2C

RBC Was the #1 Financier of Fossil Fuels and Climate Chaos in 2022

Even after clear messages from the IEA and IPCC that we can't afford any new fossil fuels, banks continue to finance fossil fuel expansion...
Seven Reasons Why Policymakers Must Reject CCS, Below2C

Seven Reasons Why Policymakers Must Reject CCS

"Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is purported to collect or “capture” carbon dioxide generated by high-emitting activities, and is therefore commonly proposed as a...
New Climate Rules for Canada’s Big Banks, Below2C

New Climate Rules for Canada’s Big Banks

In late December of last year, Canada released a new policy aimed at ending international public financing for fossil fuels, (starting January 1, 2023)...
Canada Needs Strong Clean Car Standards, Below2C

Canada Needs Strong Clean Car Standards

"A strong Clean Car Standard would phase out the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 by requiring automakers to sell zero-emission vehicles instead....