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Oil and Gas Insiders Overseeing Canadians’ Retirement Savings

Canadian pension funds aren’t just large investors in fossil fuels. In many cases, pension directors, trustees and staff sit on the boards of fossil...
Shift:Action - From Fossils To Zero-Carbon On Pensions, Below2C

Shift:Action – From Fossils To Zero-Carbon On Pensions

"Canada’s top ten pension funds alone manage over $1.5 trillion. How these funds invest your retirement dollars is a major factor in how quickly...

Risks to Oil & Gas Finance Are Opaque: What Should Banks Be Telling Us?

The just-released 2020 report on global fossil fuel financing by banks, Banking on Climate Change 2020, shows how the big banks are promoting the...

Attacks on Divestment by Fossil Fuel Lobby Backfiring

The fossil-fuel divestment movement is gaining momentum as people around the globe are waking up to the reality that climate change is upon us. It...