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Tag: OIl and Gas

Locking Out Carbon Lock-In, Below2C

Locking Out Carbon Lock-In

"Avoiding carbon lock-in is crucial to addressing climate change. Avoiding carbon lock-in is a well-established imperative in climate policy and sustainable finance, but tackling...
Five Ways for Canada To Transition the Oil and Gas Sector, Below2C

Five Ways for Canada To Transition the Oil and Gas Sector

"The transition to a secure and sustainable energy future for all requires unprecedented shifts in the global energy sector," says Faith Birol, executive director...

Capping Oil and Gas Emissions: Production Cuts Are Essential

"It’s no secret that Canada has a long way to go if we’re actually going to meet the climate commitments we made in the...

Has the Green Energy Transition Stalled?

For many of us in the climate movement, 2022 was going to be the year the green energy transition would take off, building on...

Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Carbon Capture Fairy Tales

A new report released recently by Environmental Defence – Buyer Beware: Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Carbon Capture Fairy Tales in Canada – reveals that...

Canada Spent More Than $23 Billion on Pipelines Since 2018

A recent report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. shows that Canada has spent $23 billion on pipelines during the past three years....
Oil and Gas Industry Doubling Down on Plastic Production

Oil and Gas Industry Doubling Down on Plastic Production

Thirty two percent (32%) of plastic packaging ends up littering the environment, 40% is sitting in a landfill somewhere, 14% is incinerated, another 14%...
It's Closing Time: Stranded Liabilities Are The Flipside of Stranded Assets, closing, liabilities, time

It’s Closing Time: Stranded Liabilities Are The Flipside of Stranded Assets

The flipside of stranded assets is stranded liabilities. On the one hand, investors are increasingly asking whether oil demand is or will soon be...

Risks to Oil & Gas Finance Are Opaque: What Should Banks Be Telling Us?

The just-released 2020 report on global fossil fuel financing by banks, Banking on Climate Change 2020, shows how the big banks are promoting the...