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Tag: Students

Climate Education in Schools Is Key To Tackling The Climate Crisis

The importance of education in preparing our children and grandchildren for their future cannot be overstated. Young people—under 18 years of age—make up almost...

Back to School: Teachable Climate Moments

September is back to school for students. But this year, it's also back to #climatestrikes for many students who have taken a break from...

The Power of 1.4 Million Students On Climate Strike

Over the past six months, Greta Thunberg has attacked world leaders over their failure to deal with climate change—their climate inaction—with her blunt and...

Can Students Save Humanity When We Adults Could Not

For decades now, adult activists, adult environmentalists and adult scientists have been trying to move climate change to the top of the world agenda....

Student Climate Strikes Going Global On March 15

For decades now, adult activists and adult environmentalists and adult scientists have been trying to move climate change to the top of the world...