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Tag: United States

Doubling Down on Gas Is Misguided and Dangerous For Climate

"Now can we talk about the war and how it relates to climate work," asks a March 25 email to 350.Org group leaders. The...
Look Up! There's a Killer Comet Heading for Earth: Climate Change, Below2C

Look Up! There’s a Killer Comet Heading for Earth: Climate Change

Don't Look Up takes a satirical look at how politicians, the media and society in general deal with planetary threats. In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio...
Emissions of Top US Banks and Investors Almost Equal Russia, Below2C

Emissions of Top US Banks and Investors Almost Equal Russia

A new report finds that American banks and investors are not just fueling the climate crisis but they're also setting up the next economic...

Canada, US, Norway, UK, Australia: Accelerating the Climate Emergency

Five countries are accelerating the climate emergency according to the The Fossil Fuelled 5 report which "examines five wealthy nations—the US, Canada, Norway, Australia...

12 Reports You Should Know About As COP26 Unfolds

“Recent climate action announcements might give the impression that we are on track to turn things around. This is an illusion,” said  UN secretary...

The G7 Shows Yet Again It’s a Colossal Failure on Climate

"Never in the history of the G7 has there been a bigger gap between their actions and the needs of the world. In the...
Meeting Paris Targets Requires Full Transformation of the Economy, Below2C

Meeting Paris Targets Requires Full Transformation of the Economy

To reach Paris goals will require a full-out transformation of the global economy. It will demand that we make both individual and collective lifestyle...
A Just Transition To Clean Energy, Below2C

A Just Transition To Clean Energy

The overarching theme of a post-COVID recovery is shaping up to be a transition to clean energy. A return to the pre-pandemic normal is...
Is The 6% Solution A Game-Changer?

Is The 6% Solution A Game-Changer?

With its Climate Ambition Summit 2020, the United Nations recently celebrated the five-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Environmental journalist Stephen...
Climate Economics: $8 Trillion In Savings If Paris Targets Are Met, Below2C

Climate Economics: $8 Trillion In Savings If Paris Targets Are Met

The Paris Agreement is now five years old. And there's only one decade left for the signatories of the accord to achieve their 2030...