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Once you know the truth about something, you can no longer ignore it. Truth transforms. And climate truth will transform you. When you accept the science of climate change and the dire consequences of inaction, you will be compelled to act.

Climate Truth Transforms

Climate Truth Will Transform You,boomer warrior

Credit: The Climate Mobilization

Margaret Salamon Klein is a clinical psychologist turned climate activist. She describes herself as “a human attempting to live in climate truth and avert the worst catastrophe humanity has ever faced.” She is the co-founder of The Climate Mobilization, a social and political platform for action on climate change.

Her influential writing has been featured on BoomerWarrior many times. I am extremely pleased to present her latest Illustrated Version of The Transformative Power of Climate Truth.

This version is updated to reflect recent events in The Climate Mobilization and in the climate movement more generally. The main addition is the description of the recent formation of a new segment of the climate movement, call it the “Mobilization Coalition”—a group of scientists, activists, and religious and community leaders—who are calling for emergency climate action.

I am very proud and excited to say that this essay has helped incite transformation in some readers, helping them become more engaged, more active, more urgent, and more committed to the need for emergency mobilization.  (Source: Margaret Salamon Klein).

My hope is that this beautiful formatting will draw more readers to this essay, and further spread these personal and political transformations! So please help by sharing with those you care about and respect. (Source: Margaret Salamon Klein).


How You Know You're in Climate Change Denial

Margaret Klein Salamon is a therapist turned advocate. She is the co-founder of The Climate Mobilization and the creator of The Climate Psychologist. She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from Adelphi University and also holds a BA in Social Anthropology from Harvard.

You can follow her on Twitter: @ClimatePsych , @MobilizeClimate & Facebook.

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  1. Yeah hey Rolly, good stuff, Margaret has good stuff for sure, she drew me in with her original article on the WW2 style climate mobilization idea. Since then the group is doing well. It’s a “big picture” thing, of which I will leave you with a blog I wrote on just that, I believe it fits with the TCM mission.

    • Thank you Danny for sharing the link. I will post it to the group.

    • All you need to do is to place your cursor on the title of the article, the second image in the middle of the page and scroll down and you will see the full article embedded in the post.

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