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Although 2017 was not the warmest on record, it comes after a scorching 2016 which was the hottest year ever recorded, besting 2015, which bested 2014. Moreover, recent NASA and NOAA analyses show that the five warmest years on record have occurred since 2010. The following chart shows the 10 hottest years all occurring since 2007. The heat is on!

The Heat Is On

The Copernicus Climate Change Service reports that temperatures averaged 14.7 degrees Celsius (58.46 Fahrenheit) at the Earth’s surface in 2017 – 1.2C (2.2F) above pre-industrial times. To avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change, scientists argue that global temperatures cannot exceed 2 degrees Celsius of warming.

It’s striking that 16 of the 17 warmest years have all been this century ~ Jean-Noel Thepaut (head of Copernicus).

The fingerprints of warming are obvious around the entire globe – deadly wildfires in California, hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, heatwaves in Europe and Australia, droughts and flooding worldwide.

Arctic Amplification

The warming trend in the Arctic is nearly twice the global average of the last decades, a phenomenon known as Arctic Amplification. This leads to faster melting of permafrost releasing both methane and carbon dioxide causing even more rapid warming – a worrisome amplifying positive feedback. Arctic amplification also drives extreme weather events in Canada and the US, produced in part by variations in the Polar Vortex.

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NASA Goddard
Published on Jan 18, 2018

What is happening in the Arctic is particularly distressing. Sea ice set a new year-end low according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center – 1.09 million square kilometers (420,900 square miles) lower than 2016’s record low.


While not all regions of the globe experience the same degree of warming, Alaska is in a class of its own. Alaska has just recorded its hottest December with a stunning 9.6C (15.7F) above the 20th century average. “We are the U.S.’s canary in that coal mine,” writes Joe Romm in Think Progress.

The debate is over about whether or not climate change is real; it is now time to act to solve the problem ~ David Suzuki

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  1. Our New Global Warming Abrupt Climate Changing Sea Level Rising 220 Feet Geological Realities

    We Our Already Baked in to 10C. – ? Tempurature Rise, Even if We Stopped Emitting Carbon and Methane Right Now.

    A 2015 heat wave that killed at least 3,500 in India and Pakistan saw wet-bulb temperatures around 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius). A similar wet-bulb temperature was reached during the 1995 Chicago heat wave.” Steven Leahy

    A temperature of 94 degrees Fahrenheit (34.4 degrees Celsius) and 80% humidity produces a wet-bulb or “feels like” temperature of 129 degrees Fahrenheit (53.9 degrees Celsius) on the NOAA National Weather Service Heat Index.

    “Scientists say the ocean began rising more than a century ago, averaging an almost imperceptible 1.5 millimeters a year from 1900 to 1990, based on data from a network of federal tide gauges around the country.

    In the 1990s, the rising sea doubled its previous rate, reaching about an inch a decade, said Sweet. And then, over the past 10 years, tide gauges in Fernandina Beach, Mayport and Key West recorded an increase of about 0.9 centimeters per year, a little more than a third of an inch per year.” (2) James Cox

    Sea Level Rise is accelerating, could just 5 feet of Greenlands 20 feet of Sea Level Rise, melt before 2022, or 2024 Fukushimatizing US and the World ?

    Greenland Keeps the Northern Hemisphere in Ice and Snow Now.

    From the 1700s to 2000 – 30 percent of the Arctic Melted

    From 2000 to 2015 – 60 percent of the Arctic Melted

    90% of the Arctic is Gone, and what is left is barely any Ice or snow older than 5 years old, and it use to date back Thousands of years, Waxing and Waning in Glaciation.

    Each Day the acceleration of melt continues.

    With Record Winds, Record Droughts, Record Floods, Record Waves, Record Fires, Record Highs, Record Lows, Record Rain, Record Snow,

    Until Greenland is Half Melted, Then just Record RAIN, Record Heat, Record Floods, Record Mud Slides, Record Fires, Year after Fukushimas Year

    20 Feet of Sea Level Rise in Greenland

    200 feet of Sea Level Rise in Antarctica

    450 Nuclear Reactors at Sea Level

    Already One Fukushima

    Each 1C. Temp Rise, Atmospheric Moisture increases 7%

    We have increased Global Temps 1.9C. and Climbing, since the 1700s

    Sandy, Katrina, Irma, Maria, an Harvey had 19% to 49% more with Record Rain, Record Winds, an Record Sea Surges.

    Methane which is Natural Gas + Carbon + Water Vapor + Sun = Global Warming Abrupt Climate Change, Sea Level Rising to Over 220 Feet !

    “While carbon dioxide is typically painted as the bad boy of greenhouse gases

    Methane is roughly 30 times more potent as a heat-trapping gas.

    “The 100-year global warming potential of methane is 28. That is, over a 100-year period, it traps 28 times more heat per mass unit than carbon dioxide and 32 times the effect when accounting for aerosol interactions.” Science

    2015, New 200 Foot Wide Methane Blow Holes, called PINGOES, Over 20 and Increasing in Number ! and more found on the North American Plate and the Euroasian Plate of the Arctic !

    Arctic News Sept. 15 2013

    “ As more ice melts away on Greenland and more water runs off in the Ocean and Sea, There is less weight on Greenlands Crust, the Crust Bouncing back from the lighter weight.

    The Crust bouncing back during Large Melts an effect called Isostatic Rebounding.

    This Rebounding can not Only Trigger Earthquakes and Landslides, it can also Suck Up the Magma from the Mantle.

    It Also Sucks Up Magma From The Mantle.

    It also Sucks Up Mantle Methane !

    Triggering Volcanic Eruptions and Venting Mantle Methane”. Sam Carana

    In 2017, Robert Schribbler reported a Spike on Feb. 20 Methane Readings At 3,000ppb.

    Methane 1870 722ppb

    2000 1700ppb

    2017 1900ppb ?

    Perma Frost Melt, Methane Hydrates, Isostatic Rebounding, all three plus Fracking emit Huge amounts of METHANE

    An ideal Carbon Atmosphere, would be at 300 parts per million

    1700s to 1800s ppm Carbon 260ppm – 280ppm

    1980s ppm carbon 350

    2015s ppm of Carbon 405

    2017 ppm of Carbon 409.35 and Rising

    “I will show you the rise in CO2 levels every 5 years from 1958 to Dec. 2017. I will also show the CO2 difference beside it from the previous reading. Each reading is taken in the March of the respective year.
    Year…………………….CO2 Levels……………Growth
    1958……………………315.71………………….. 1963……………………319.86…………………..4.15
    The last entry is early since it is not yet March 2018.
    This shows the ever increasing growth of CO2 levels in our atmosphere.

    "These indeed are the figures I watch.

    Some 2017 figures have shown 410ppm over the year, giving an increase of nearly 1ppm per month."

    Can society even exist in it's current form at 600ppm CO2 concentration ?

    I know the planet has been at that level before, but it took tens of thousands of years to get there and back again, not 250 years.

    Add in the CH4 levels, and you have an equivalence of ~580ppm already." Mark Bevis

    What we have now, is a Broken Up Jet Stream,

    That has been Pierced, and Lobed,

    Because of Mantle Methane, Methane Hydrates, and Emitting over 40 Billion Toxic Tons of Carbon each year Globally.

    All this Hot Gas has Pierced the Jet Stream in to Lobes,

    The Hot Gas Fueled with the Insane Arctic, Greenland, and Antarctic Ice Melts.

    Has Roared its Global Warming Frontal Lobes with Record Setting Temperatures and Record Setting Snow, and Record Setting Rain.

    These Methane, and Carbon Molecules Have Roared Their Increased Water Vapor and Global Warming Gases, That will Set Record Heat, Record Snow, Until Greenland is 1/2 melted.

    Then Just Record Rain and Record Heat,

    Year After Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Radiated Year. (Fukushima) ( 450 Nuclear Reactors at Sea Level ) Year.

    Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure that requires the state to obtain half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2050, however, rooftop solar panels were excluded from the bill, which means utility companies will have to pay more to find renewable energy elsewhere, because the surplus energy they buy back from individual homeowners will not count toward the state’s goals." Cat DiStasio

    California Emitted 459 Million Toxic Tons of Carbon Dioxide in 2014.

    Gov Browns call to reduce this to 1990 levels so we can continue to emit over 400 million Toxic Tons a year, will not help us stop or slow down Global Warming and Sea Levels Rising.

    Decommission Nuclear Reactors, Relocate to above 3,000 Feet


    Salton Sea, Stop Geothermal Drilling, Build Channel to Pacific


    'In an attempt to control water, you suggest that humans have broken the Earth's natural water cycle. What are some of the big problems and solutions that you want to address in Replenish?"Sandy Postel


    Use Cap and trade funds to purchase Electrical Vehicles for Ca. St. Lic. Drivers, who have been inhaling and absorbing Poisons and Toxins from Fossil Fuels and Poisoning Nuclear Radiation for DECADES !

    Local and Regional Food Stability

    Grow in Our Homes

    Start Watering the Trees in The Forest, and allow Home Owners to Water Their Vegetables, Fruit Trees, and all Their Plants, Ban Fracking

    We need a National Feed in Tariff
    A California Residential Feed in Tariff would allow homeowners to sell their Renewable Energy to the utility, protecting our communities from Poison Water, Grid Failures, Natural Disasters, Toxic Natural Gas and Oil Fracking. It would also create a new revenue stream for the Hard Working Taxpaying, Voting, Homeowner.

    California Energy and Water Consumption an a Ban Fracking song

    Published on Oct 11, 2014
    Campaign to allow Californian residents to sell electricity obtained by renewable energy for a fair pro-business market price. Will you read, sign, and share this petition?

    Sign and Share for a Ca. Residential Feed in Tariff. Go to the youtube site, look six inches below video, click on Show More, then click on blue link to sign the petition. YouTube video We Need To Ban Fracking.

    We Need To Ban Fracking.


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