Let’s Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room
Let's Talk About the Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep in the Room deals with the threat that farm animals pose to the environment and to humanity....
Eat Better and Help Save the Planet With Organic
Image credit: www.lifehack.org Eat Better and Help Save the Planet Recent polling indicates that Americans are more worried about chemicals in food than they are about added sugar,...
Is COP21 a Culmination or Just a New Starting Point?
Is COP21 the finish line of a long and tedious process of climate talks which has lasted over two decades? Is it the culmination of...
We Need to Pull a Reverse Harper
Reversing the damage done to Canada's environmental reputation will not happen overnight. After nearly a decade of Stephen Harper's abysmal environmental record at home...
We Need a Global Environmental Restoration Project
I'm pleased to welcome Bru Pearce as a contributor to BoomerWarrior. Bru is the co-founder of Envisionation, a climate change messaging and solutions website...
This Time Is Different – the Road to Paris
As a Climate Reality Leader (Chicago 2013), I'm pleased to feature excerpts from the Halftime on the Road to Paris post from the Climate Reality site....
Peak Water. Are We Running Out?
There is a lot of water on planet Earth - 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (329 trillion gallons), or 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres. About 70 percent of the planet...
Is Sustainable Growth an Oxymoron?
We do a lot without thinking, like using GDP growth as a standard of excellence. Most 21st century activity is based on a ‘given’...
On the Cusp of the Third Industrial Revolution
Jeremy Rifkin's book, The Third Industrial Revolution, has provided the inspiration for this post. The premise of Rifkin's book is that fundamental economic change occurs when new...