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Tag: China

Airpocalypse Moves China From Biggest Global Polluter To Climate Leader

The world’s biggest emitter decided to take some serious climate action – and in the process renewed our hope that we will beat the...
The Renewable Energy Potential is Limitless, Below2C

The Renewable Energy Potential is Limitless

Every day new headlines highlight the limitless potential of renewable energy. The possibilities seem endless. The world's energy use is only 16TWy (Terrawatts per...
Climate Change Thumbs Ups and Thumbs Downs of 2017, Below2C

Climate Change Thumbs Ups and Thumbs Downs of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close and flips into 2018, a short pause to reflect on my work as a climate activist and blogger...

The Slow Death of Big Coal

This post is a collection of excerpts and quotes, plus my editorial comments, illustrating the slow death of Big Coal across the globe. We are...