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Tag: Coronavirus

Learning to Tackle More Than One Crisis At a Time, Below2C

Learning to Tackle More Than One Crisis At a Time

We need to tackle two major crises at the same time. As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the even deeper emergency...
Can Improving Our Diets Suppress COVID-19?, Below2C

Can Improving Our Diets Suppress COVID-19?

Being healthy is a strong determinant of who will get infected by COVID-19 and who will not. The benefits of good physical and mental...
From the COVID Frying Pan Into the Climate Fire, Below2C

From the COVID Frying Pan Into the Climate Fire

The COVID-19 pandemic won’t be over anytime soon. Globally, the number of cases continues to rise dramatically. And even in countries which have brought...
If you think we're getting a green recovery, think again, Below2C

If you think we’re getting a green recovery, think again

"Do not resuscitate," wrote George Monbiot in an OpEd In The Guardian in April. "This crisis is a chance to rebuild our economy for...
Breaking News: The Coronavirus Will Not Save The Climate, Below2C

Breaking News: The Coronavirus Will Not Save The Climate

So much has been written and so much has been said about what the coronavirus means for climate change. And yes, the parallels between...
The 2020 Wildfire Season Will Be Worse Due To COVID-19, Below2C

The 2020 Wildfire Season Will Be Worse Due To COVID-19

The wildfire season is well underway in various regions around the globe. But this year, the coronavirus is adding an even greater challenge—a double...
The Law of Karma Throws Pandemics Right Back At Us, law, karma, nature, humans

The Law of Karma Throws Pandemics Right Back At Us

In her recent article published in Health Journal, Ellen Moyer claims that not only was COVID-19 created by humans but it's also nature's payback for...
The Six Pillars Of A Just Recovery, Below2C

The Six Pillars Of A Just Recovery

We know that we cannot return to the way things were before the COVID-19 pandemic. A return to business-as-usual is not an option. Rising...

We Don’t Have Time – The After Movie

As the coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, we must not ignore the climate crisis. The evidence is all around us. Global warming threatens...

Will COVID-19 Build Bridges Or Generate Divisions In Canada?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Canadians (and the rest of the world) to hit the pause button. How do we recover back better? Can...