Tag: Finance
Letter to the CEO of the Oil Bank of Canada
In his message in the RBC Climate Blueprint, CEO David McKay says that "Global plans to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by...
RBC Was the #1 Financier of Fossil Fuels and Climate Chaos in 2022
Even after clear messages from the IEA and IPCC that we can't afford any new fossil fuels, banks continue to finance fossil fuel expansion...
Climate Insanity: Fossil Fuel Subsidies Show a Sharp Rise in 2021
Another sure sign that we are losing the war on climate is the unthinkable near-doubling of fossil fuel subsidies in 2021 at the same...
Canadian Banks Funding Climate Chaos
Fossil fuel financing from the world’s 60 largest banks has reached USD $4.6 trillion in the six years since the adoption of the Paris...
Shameful: Canada Is a World Leader for Fossil Fuel Finance
We Canadians have the dubious honour of being a world leader in financing fossil fuels and the worst offender of all G20 nations. Just...
Dear Mark Carney: We’re Running Out Of Time
Over 90 groups are urging Mark Carney—in a letter published worldwide—to do all he can to "raise the bar on climate action from the...
World’s Central Banks Are Fueling The Climate Crisis
The world needs every weapon in its climate arsenal to tackle the unprecedented existential threat of climate change. Oil Change International (along with an...
Are Fossil Assets the New Subprime?
According to the Banking On Climate Chaos 2021 report, between 2016 and 2020, (since the Paris Agreement), the world's 60 largest banks financed fossil...
Canada’s Fossilized Finance Sector: Big Five Fossil Banks
"Despite Canada’s climate change commitments, the country’s “big five” banks continue to finance and support the expansion of fossil fuel industries," writes Donald Gutstein...
Indigenous Women Leaders Tell Banks To Stop Financing Climate Chaos
The 2021 Banking on Climate Chaos report is the most comprehensive analysis on fossil fuel banking produced to date. Since the Paris agreement in...