Tag: Grandchildren
Letter to the CEO of the Oil Bank of Canada
In his message in the RBC Climate Blueprint, CEO David McKay says that "Global plans to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by...
It’s Time For A Youth Climate Corps
A recent study of Canadian youth shows that nearly 80 percent of 16-26 year-olds surveyed say that climate change affects their overall mental health, and...
Framing Climate Action as “Economic Readiness” Is Best
Most Canadians want to be ready for the post-carbon economy. And most Canadians are concerned about climate change. However more than half of the...
Dear Adults: You Are Failing Us On A Global Scale
"The fundamental goal of the adults in any society is to protect their young and do everything they can to leave a better world...
In the Age of Eco-Anxiety, Adults Can Proxy Vote for Youth
Eco-anxiety and climate grief may very well be the new mental health crisis. Millions of young people around the world are struggling with real...
Stop Fuelling the Climate Crisis With our Pension Money
More and more retirees are asking how their pension plan is investing their retirement savings as the climate crisis becomes a reality. This is...
A Mother’s Call For Climate Action
Carole Holmes is Co-Chair of GASP, Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet. As a grandmother she has deep concerns for the environmental health of...
Say NO to Your #FossilBank – It’s Time To Move Your Money
Thousands of Canadians witnessed the first #FossilBanksNoThanks national action day (this past Friday) exposing the ugly truth that Canada's Big Five banks—RBC, TD, BMO,...
Climate Education in Schools Is Key To Tackling The Climate Crisis
The importance of education in preparing our children and grandchildren for their future cannot be overstated. Young people—under 18 years of age—make up almost...
Helping Kids Convert Climate Angst To Climate Action
“Climate change, ecological degradation, migrating populations, conflict, pervasive inequalities, and predatory commercial practices threaten the health and future of children in every country,” says...