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Tag: Reforestation

Climate Solutions From Around the World

This summer is breaking hundreds of temperature records producing heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, water shortages and electricity outages. But it's not only doom and gloom. While...
Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?, Below2C

Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?

The compelling priority of the 2020s for humanity is the slashing of emissions. However, a flurry of recent Net-Zero 2050 announcements is "adding confusion...
Repairing Nature Is Also Good For The Climate, Below2C

Repairing Nature Is Also Good For The Climate

“A green recovery is one that tackles the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises at the same time,” says Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the...

Is Planting Trees The New Carbon Fighting Technology?

One has to wonder why it has taken so long to discover that tree-planting done on a massive global scale is likely to become...