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I’m a Climate Reality leader and I’ll be marching for the climate on November 29 in the 100% Possible March in Ottawa. Please join an event near you on the eve of the most important climate conference ever. Take climate action now. Will you march with us?

The following post is sourced from the Climate Reality initiatives leading up to the Paris COP21 climate summit. (Rolly Montpellier, Editor for BoomerWarrior).

Dear World Leaders – Take Climate Action Now

For years we’ve watched our climate change. We’ve watched glaciers melt, seas rise, and storms get fiercer. We’ve watched this new reality transform our lives while too many leaders just stood by.

Dear World Leaders - Take Climate Action Now, boomer warriorImage Source: Climate Reality Leadership Corps

People from around the world are affected by climate change today – right now. And they’re calling out to world leaders to demand real action this year at the UN climate talks in Paris. So we’ve put together this Open Letter with one very clear message: DEAR WORLD LEADERS: TAKE CLIMATE ACTION NOW.

The World is Watching

Around the world, people from all walks of life are standing together to demand a strong climate agreement in Paris and a healthy future for the planet. When the world speaks with one voice, our leaders have to listen.

Published on September 24, 2015
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Now the time for standing by and watching is over – and on November 13—14, 24 Hours of Reality and Live Earth brings the world together to let our leaders know. Join former US Vice President Al Gore, artists and influencers, and millions across the planet for a global day of action and music to celebrate progress across continents and send a clear message to world leaders: Take climate action now.

This is our moment. With the Paris climate talks approaching, a breakthrough is finally at hand. The stage is set and it’s time for our leaders to act. The world is watching. Join us.

This December, world leaders will meet in Paris to determine the future of our planet. We’re uniting voices around the world to deliver one simple message: Take Climate Action Now. Zero global warming pollution. Zero extreme poverty.

Why We Need Climate Action Now

Scientists Agree

The overwhelming majority of the world’s climate scientists agree: man-made climate change is a reality. Unless we act now, temperatures will rise beyond our control.

There are Real Dangers

We’re looking at a future of seas climbing up our shores; devastating floods, droughts, and storms becoming more frequent facts of life; seasons changing beyond recognition; and dangerous consequences for our health we’re only beginning to understand.

It’s Our Duty

We have a moral responsibility to each other and to our children to address this crisis. This is our one beautiful and deeply precious home.

We Can Solve Climate Change

We Have the Means

We know how to stop climate change, and we have the tools to do it. We start by ditching the dirty fossil fuels devastating our climate and our health and switching to clean, reliable, and affordable renewable energies like wind and solar.

It Makes Economic Sense

Changing technology means renewables keep getting cheaper, more accessible, and more widespread everywhere from rooftops to power plants. Renewable energy costs the same or less than energy from fossil fuels. In 2014, numerous countries’ economies grew while their carbon emissions levels dropped.

We’re Doing it Together

We’re bringing together people from all walks of life and corners of the earth to support a strong climate agreement in Paris that puts us on the path to zero carbon emissions and the healthy and prosperous future we want. When the world speaks with one voice, our leaders have to listen.

Today, you can stand up for a sustainable and prosperous future for all of us. Because of people like you speaking up, powerful momentum is growing for a historic climate agreement in Paris. Because of people like you, our leaders know the world is watching – and now they have to act. Because of people like you, we can take a big step forward in stopping climate change and creating a healthy future for the planet. Thank you.

Published on Oct 15, 2015
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Let your friends know. Share this petition on social media. Take climate action now!


RollyRolly Montpellier is the Founder and Managing Editor of BoomerWarrior.Org. He’s a Climate Reality leader, a Blogger and a Climate Activist. He’s a member of Climate Reality Canada, Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Ottawa) and 350.Org (Ottawa), the Ethical Team (as an influencer)  and Global Population Speakout.

Rolly has been published widely in both print and online publications. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

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