In Blowout, Rachel Maddow describes Big Oil as “the most destructive industry on earth.” She tells “alarming stories about the impact of the oil and gas industry on the world today.” We have one of those stories unfolding right here in Canada. It’s the story of a government using taxpayer dollars to purchase and expand a pipeline—the Trans Mountain project. And it’s doing it, not because it’s in the best interest of Canadians, but because of the “centrality and influence of the oil and gas industry.” However, this is about to change.
It’s Over for the Trans Mountain Pipeline
A recent Time4Action webinar (Pipeline Perils and Politics) featured Dogwood Campaigns Manager Alexandra Woodsworth and Sven Biggs, Canadian Oil and Gas Program Director at Stand.Earth in a discussion about the future of pipelines in Canada. Not surprisingly, the Trans Mountain expansion project garnered most of the attention of both speakers and participants alike.
The Trudeau government has twisted itself into a pretzel by using taxpayer dollars to buy a pipeline—Trans Mountain—that was never needed, in support of a dying industry—the Tar Sands—now witnessing a crippling $30 billion (and counting) mass exodus of oil firms. In his just-released book titled Commanding Hope, Thomas Homer-Dixon writes that “the blocking power of strong vested interests who want to maintain the status quo,” is the key factor that “makes positive change so hard to achieve.” That’s why Prime Minister Trudeau will never, on his own, cancel Trans Mountain. It’s up to us Canadians to do so and we will.
“There is absolutely still time for Trudeau to see the messages from his own agencies, his own regulator, his own watchdogs, that this is a losing bet for Canadians,” says Alexandra Woodsworth from Dogwood. “There is still plenty of time to turn things around.”
(The following is sourced from the Dogwood campaign page)
Stopping Keystone in its Tracks
Stopping Keystone in its tracks should be the strongest warning sign yet that Trans Mountain is a losing bet for Canadians. Corporate giants are walking away from the oil sands. Investors are taking huge losses. And the largest market for Trans Mountain’s product – the U.S.A. – has just made it clear they don’t want our dirty oil.
But industry is using Keystone’s cancellation to pile on the pressure to get Trans Mountain built.
The Liberal government needs to listen to the conclusions of its own energy regulator: if Canada follows through on its climate plan, neither pipeline will be needed – and TMX will lose billions for Canadian taxpayers.
What you need to know: Key Points
- Trans Mountain directly conflicts with your government’s climate goals. Two government agencies say this pipeline is fundamentally at odds with Canada’s climate plan.
- There is already enough pipeline capacity to meet Alberta’s forecasted oil transport needs, without Keystone OR Trans Mountain.
- If the government enacts its climate plan, the Canada Energy Regulator says TMX and Keystone won’t be needed. And the Parliamentary Budget Officer says TMX will likely lose money for Canadian taxpayers.
- Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland has to authorize a new loan soon to Trans Mountain for construction to continue. She has a chance to save billions of our tax dollars to allocate instead to ambitious climate action.
- Instead of losing billions building a pipeline we don’t need, we should invest that money in green jobs and the pandemic recovery.
- Canada must follow Biden’s lead and cancel TMX. Otherwise Canada’s economy will be left behind.
- By pushing new oil pipelines, our Prime Minister risks more damage to Canada’s international reputation.
Act Now!
Tell the Liberal government to choose Climate Action or Trans Mountain. Keystone is Dead and Trans Mountain should be Next! Click on call.
Tell Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to cancel Trans Mountain. Click on email.
More Actions!Please contact the four key people below to let them know you want Canada to Build Back Fossil Free. No more pipelines!
PM Justin Trudeau
Parliament Hill: 613-992-4211
Constituency office: 514-277-6020
Deputy PM/Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland
Parliament Hill: 613-992-5234
Constituency office: 416-928-1451
Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Parliament Hill: 613-995-1225
Constituency office: 604-775-6333
Minister of Natural Resources
Seamus O’Regan
Parliament Hill: 613-992-0927
Constituency office: 709-772-4608
Related links:
Investors Are Backing Away From Fossils
The End Is Near for Trans Mountain and Keystone XL – Pipelines to Nowhere
The Stranded Asset Parade Is Starting
It’s Closing Time: Stranded Liabilities Are The Flipside of Stranded Assets
Pipe Dreams: New Pipelines Don’t Fit A Paris-Compliant World
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