Has Big Oil violated our rights? Have we been wronged by Big Oil? And are Big Oil companies continuing their predatory practices on our environment? The answer is yes, yes and yes. It’s time to sue the bastards.
(This post is sourced from the Sue Big Oil website.)
Time To Sue Big Oil
West Coast Environmental Law is the lead group for the Sue Big Oil Campaign. Holding fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis is the focal point of this action. Although the campaign singles out British Columbia, the deadly effects of Big Oil practices are everywhere.
During 2021, British Columbians suffered the full impacts of the emerging climate crisis. Environment Canada reported that BC was “baked, dried out, scorched, flooded and inundated with mud, rock and debris flows.” First there was the summer heat dome and wildfires. Then winter brought unprecedented rain—atmospheric rivers—floods and multiple landslides.
Sign the Declaration
For decades, oil and gas corporations have known that burning fossil fuels would cause the heat waves, wildfires, drought and flooding that we’re now experiencing in BC.
These multinational companies spent millions to deceive, deny and distract us on their way to billions in profit by preventing action on climate change.
It’s not right that CEOs and investors continue to pocket the profits while we pay the skyrocketing costs of climate damages.
We must force oil and gas corporations to change their business practices and pay their fair share for the harm they’re causing.
How do we pay for a safer and healthier future for all British Columbians? Let’s sue Big Oil.
We call on our local governments to:
- Act urgently to tackle climate change and protect us from future heat waves, flooding, wildfires and other climate impacts;
- Join with other local governments to file a class action lawsuit to recover a fair share of our climate costs;
- Allocate at least $1 per person towards a community fund to sue Big Oil;
- Build equitable and sustainable communities that put people and the planet before corporate profits; and
- cooperate with Indigenous peoples in doing so. — https://suebigoil.ca/declaration/
There are Six Ways To Get Involved in the campaign. Start by viewing the video.
“Fossil Fuel giants have captured governments and banks, extracting mega-profits while the world burns. It’s time to Sue Big Oil.” — Avi Lewis
Big Oil Reality Check: Failure To Meet Bare Minimum On Climate
40% of Developed Fossil Fuel Reserves Must Stay in the Ground
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