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Climate Impact


Playing for the Planet – New-Wave Climate Activism

At lease one third of the people in the world are gamers. Could climate change video games—playing for the planet—have a big impact in...

Alarm Bells Over Canada’s Extreme Heat In Red Zones

"Canada is warming, on average, at twice the global rate," says a recent Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation (University of Waterloo) report. "Urgent action...

Approval of Bay du Nord Oil Megaproject Exposes Canada’s Climate Plan As a Sham

With the approval of the Bay du Nord offshore oil megaproject, Canada has now solidified its hold as the world's top climate con artist,rogue...

We Are Sleepwalking To Climate Catastrophe

"Instead of hitting the brakes on the decarbonization of the global economy" amid Russia's war on Ukraine, "now is the time to put the...

IPCC: Limits to Climate Adaptation

"Humans are adapting to climate change, but it’s not even close to enough — and what little is being done becomes less effective as...

Beyond Safe Limits: We Will Not Escape the Ravages of Climate Change

Many of the coming ravages of climate change are already baked in to the global heating our planet has already absorbed since the beginning...

“Atlas of Human Suffering” Says UN Secretary General

United Nations secretary general António Guterres calls the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report “an atlas of human suffering”. "The report is a...
2021: Year of Unprecedented Climate Impacts, Below2C

2021: Year of Unprecedented Climate Impacts

This year, extreme weather and other disasters made it clearer than ever that the climate crisis will only worsen unless we act. 2021 will...
Climate Change: Adaptation Is No Longer a Dirty Word, Below2C

Climate Change: Adaptation Is No Longer a Dirty Word

In the early years of climate policy discussions—in the 1980s—adaptation to climate change was problematic for those advocating for the reduction of carbon emissions....
Climate Impacts: Parcel Delivery on a Warming Planet, Below2C

Climate Impacts: Parcel Delivery on a Warming Planet

The future of retail is shifting. On-line shopping is seeing rapid growth worldwide raising the question of how E-commerce is impacting the environment. A...