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Tag: Carbon Tax

Can The Provinces Be Canada's Climate Leaders?

'Can the provinces be Canada's climate leaders' is a question I've often asked myself. During the decade preceding the October 2015 election of Justin Trudeau and his Liberals,...
Trudeau and Obama: Moving Ahead of the Climate Curve, boomer warrior

Trudeau and Obama: Moving Ahead of the Climate Curve

The recent official visit by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the United Stated, the first in almost two decades, has moved both countries ahead...

The Goalposts Have Shifted on Fossil Fuels

'Shifting goalposts' is the title of one of the chapters of The Carbon Bubble, What Happens to Us When it Bursts, authored by Jeff Rubin. Rubin...

If I Were Canada’s Prime Minister. My Bold New Climate Vision

I'm pleased to welcome Guy Dauncey as a new contributor to Below2C. Guy is an author and futurist who works to develop a positive...

Harper’s Decarbonization Rhetoric is Hollow, Dishonest and Politically Cheap

Stephen Harper  made headlines for joining other G7 leaders in committing to "decarbonize" Canada's economy by 2100. For a brief, flickering moment it seemed...

Carbon Fee and Dividend. Its Time Has Come

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come. According to Joseph...
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Let's Put a Price on Carbon with Fee and Dividend

The science is settled. Our planet is heating up, and carbon pollution from Dirty Energy is to blame. The fossil fuel industry burns oil,...

Five Ways to Put a Price on Carbon

Five Ways to Put a Price on Carbon For decades, we've been paying the cost of climate change driven by carbon pollution. We’re paying for...
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