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Tag: COP21

The Paris Agreement Is Now Official. Now What?

This post is sourced from The Tree which is a service provided for climate communicators and influencers involved in public discourse on climate change, global warming and the...

In The Afterglow of the Paris Climate Agreement

In this post, Nick Fillmore reflects on the aftermath of the Paris Agreement - the afterglow. Will the commitment for climate action of 195...

In 60 Words and Images – The Historic Paris Agreement

International Environmental journalist Stephen Leahy sums up the world's new climate plan in a few words. He very succinctly summarizes why the #ParisAgreement is...

Paris Climate Agreement is The Vital First Step

The Paris climate agreement is a vital first step for mankind. I'm a Climate Reality leader (Chicago2013). The following post is reproduced from the Climate...

From Climate Change Laggard to Climate Change Leader in Seven Weeks

How does a country go from climate change laggard to climate change leader in 7 weeks? I'm glad you asked. Image: screen shot from "Future generations will...

Renewables Skyrocket as Fossil Fuels Fizzle Out

As the Paris climate summit moves along, signs of the world’s unstoppable shift from fossil fuels to renewables are coming thicker and faster than...

A Moment That Will Change the Course of History

I'm a Climate Reality Leader (Chicago2013). As I reflect on the success of the thousands of events which happened around the globe on the...

Main Threat to Success in Paris – Powerful Fossil Fuel Lobby

Nick Fillmore is an activist and a freelance journalist writing about climate change and socio-political issues. In this article, Nick outlines how the main...

Is COP21 a Culmination or Just a New Starting Point?

Is COP21 the finish line of a long and tedious process of climate talks which has lasted over two decades? Is it the culmination of...

Let's Keep Our Eyes on the Climate Ball

Fear is the great motivator. We pay attention to what we fear the most. And right now, as I write this article, the focus...