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Tag: Kinder Morgan

Where Does Tar Sands Carbon Pollution Go?

While it’s very easy to get caught up in the dynamics of the Kinder Morgan controversy, what about the real question, the truly critical...

Why Canada’s Climate Plan Can’t Be Traded For Kinder Morgan

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said repeatedly that his climate plan will eventually wean Canada off its dependence on fossil fuels. But first we...

Show Us The Science On Kinder Morgan Mr. Trudeau

Canadians are asking Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, to show us the science on the Kinder...

Tackling Climate Change = Less Oil Consumption = No New Pipelines

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to use a false and misleading narrative in his attempt to build the Kinder Morgan pipeline. As one...

Fossil Fuel MegaProjects Falling Like Dominos in Canada

Fossil fuel megaprojects -- pipelines, terminals, plants -- are quickly disappearing from Canada's energy landscape. Less than a year ago (November of 2016), the federal...

Pipelines in the Era of Climate Change

Prime Minister Trudeau is finding out just how difficult it is to navigate his pro-pipeline fossil fuel agenda during an era of climate change....

Carbon Insanity! Trudeau Now Cheerleader-in-Chief for Oilsands

It turns out to be two pipelines -- Kinder Morgan and Enbridge Line 3 -- and the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) project in BC...

Kinder Morgan Is Litmus Test of Trudeau Climate Leadership

During the last week, thousands of Canadians attended more than 50 vigils organized by 350.Org (Canada) and local community organizers to protest against the approval...

Kinder Morgan Approval Would Break Climate Promises

The approval of any pipeline project in Canada would demonstrate pure hypocrisy and out-and-out deception by the federal government thereby making Trudeau's climate promises dishonest and politically...

Climate Leaders Don’t Build Pipelines

Ninety-nine young environmental activists achieved their goal on Parliament Hill on Monday by carrying out acts of civil disobedience. The boisterous group climbed over restricted-area police...