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Individual Actions Can Reduce Pollution by Twenty Five Percent, Below2C

Individual Actions Can Reduce Pollution by Twenty Five Percent

Twenty five to 30 percent of the pollution cuts needed to prevent catastrophic climate change can come from individual actions taken at the household...
Senator Rosa Galvez Pushing For Climate-Aligned Financial Sector, Below2C

Senator Rosa Galvez Pushing For Climate-Aligned Financial Sector

"Leaders like Sen. Rosa Galvez are crafting policy to demand that our financial sector become more transparent. Bill S-243 would serve to protect citizens...

Inspiration Is Not Enough: Are We Ready For The Talk?

It's become quite obvious that inspiration alone will not move the needle on the level of climate action the world needs to avert the...

Stop Fossil Fuel Advertising Say Canadian Health Professionals

In an open letter to our government, Canada's health professionals are telling key officials that fossil fuel advertising is fuelling a public health crisis,...

Playing for the Planet – New-Wave Climate Activism

At lease one third of the people in the world are gamers. Could climate change video games—playing for the planet—have a big impact in...

Climate Propaganda Has Shaped the Way We Fight Climate Change

In a recent article in the "Climate Change Is Coming for Us" series, Brad Zarnett writes about how climate propaganda has shaped our approach...

Living Well On Less Energy

A study published in the Global Environmental Change journal shows that enjoying a decent living with minimum energy—living well with less energy—is possible. Stephen...

Plastic-Free and Zero-Waste Holiday Gift Guide

If there’s one time of the year that’s become synonymous with consumerism and waste, it’s the holiday season. Fortunately, you can spread cheer with...
10 Ways To Keep Climate Hope Alive, Below2C

10 Ways To Keep Climate Hope Alive

"The emotional toll of the climate crisis has become an urgent crisis of its own," writes Rebecca Solnit in The Guardian's The long read...

Climate Action: Why Are We So Stuck?

Canada’s recent heat records, wildfires and over 450 deaths are the tip of a quickly melting iceberg. Around the same time, a leaked IPCC draft...