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Because IPCC is a book. It’s a work of fiction in illustrated style set 100 years in the future at a time when the climate crisis has been resolved.

Below2C is pleased to feature Because IPCC and highly recommends it as a tool to educate learners of all ages about the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The material in this post is sourced from the website.

Read it now for free.

What is the IPCC?

The IPCC Is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Since 1988 they’ve been producing reports that are the consensus of the world’s scientists & experts and the consensus of the world’s governments too. But almost nobody knows that the reason we know what we know about climate change is because of the IPCC.

Why did we make Because IPCC
Published Oct 4, 2020
Standard YouTube license

Who is Because IPCC For?

People often tell us the book Because IPCC will be great for students in schools. I guess that’s because the story is told using a classroom as the stage. But really we made the book for anyone who believes climate change could be a problem, but needs a little more confidence that the experts really know what they are talking about.

Who did we make Because IPCC for
Published Oct 4, 2020
Standard YouTube license

When you know that there is a real, even an official consensus not only among scientists but also agreed to by virtually every government on earth – including your own – it’s true – check if your government is a member of the IPCC – they are. When you know that, you read the news differently, you hear what your friends say differently, you shop differently, you vote differently. If someone learns even one new fact from Because IPCC – we made it for them.

Because IPCC was conceived and produced by volunteers who paid its initial expenses out of their own pockets. The maintenance of Because IPCC and the management of it as a project continues to be an entirely volunteer effort. Any donations you make go entirely to reaching more readers.

You can help with a small charitable donation today.

The publication and distribution is a project of volunteers at the Canadian charity Succession.

BankSwitch: Your Savings Could Save Earth
What We’re Up Against: The New Climate Denialism

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Creative Commons License

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  1. The Presidential and Vice Presidential debates mentioned climate change for the first time in like 27 years. Why the attention now? Well, for one climate change is now here rather than some theoretical concept in the future.
    Personally, concerned for decades about a changing climate because of less water in San Diego in the future and glaciers melting in the mountains I love, the reason I decided to take action on climate change was the report from the IPCC, International Panel on Climate Change. The report opened my eyes to the problem being so much greater than those concerns. The report broadened my knowledge of what was happening and why, the scope and speed of warming’s associated damage with a window into the future, and more importantly different policy choices that we could employ to solve it by limited the temperature increase to as close to 1.5 degress C as possible.
    For an understanding of what the IPCC is and how it works, this is a good read.

    IPCC puts out its regular assessment out every few years, and some special reports including one indicating that we really, really, really, should limit the temp increase to 1.5 degrees but certainly not more than 2. They also published reports on food and agriculture, as well as the ice and the oceans recently. Their next assessment is due in 2021, and isn’t going to be pretty because the recent science keeps pointing to ‘it’s worse than we thought.’ After looking through the graphic novel you gain understanding how the IPCC works and give insight on why the reports represent a conservative view of reality because of the various interest groups involved in preparing it.
    Please take a look to get a better understanding of the organization and share yourself as well, with why you are concerned about the climate crisis. The report in 2021 will get a lot of fossil fuel money trying to discredit it to prevent needed changes. For an understanding on why resolving this issue should be a very high priority in YOUR life, read through the IPCC summary reports.

    • Scott – welcome to Below2C

      It is encouraging to see climate take its place on the political agenda. It’s now front and center. And the fact that the US is now back will move the entire world in the right direction. But we have a long, long way to go. As you point out, the next IPCC report will put the final nail in the debate on climate. It will leave no room for further climate denialism.

      Thank you for your feedback.


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