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Canadians need to elect bold climate leaders in this election. It’s time to sound the climate emergency alarm in every riding across Canada. Not only is the world witnessing a summer of extreme weather events—including right here at home—but the IPCC has just released its latest chilling report warning us “that we are on borrowed time,” according to the Climate Emergency Unit (CEU) election plan headed by Seth Klein.

Election 2021 is all about Climate

The climate crisis must be the defining issue in this election because if we can’t bend the curve on global warming—if we can’t get this right—all other issues will pale in comparison in the coming years. We need climate champions who get it — we’re in an emergency.

(Below2C is working with friends and allies by supporting and amplifying many of the great initiatives happening between now and the September 20 voting day.)

Climate Emergency Unit (CEU)

The CEU lays out two key elements required for a climate victory:

First, we need to hold the government to a minority, so it is compelled to work with others, and we are given openings to press for stronger and bolder policies. The Liberal’s climate record certainly does not merit them the majority they seek.

Second, we need to elect a huge contingent of true climate justice champions – people who genuinely get the emergency and will insist on bold action. We need to bolster the ranks of the climate squad across a number of parties. So, find your climate champion! If you don’t think you have one in your riding or, more likely, you don’t think they have a realistic chance of winning in your riding, then find one in a neighboring winnable riding, and do everything you can to get them elected. (Source: Climate Emergency Unit)

CEU will be promoting its “4 Hopeful Lessons from WW2 to Confront Climate Change” video and has drafted a convenient list of questions available in PDF here.

Leadnow’s Victory Squad

Below2C has joined a powerful team of people across the country committed to regular calling parties each week until election day to elect candidates who will deliver real solutions to the inequality and climate crises we’re facing.

To have an impact, we need to make 90,000 calls to voters in key ridings. It’s big and it’s bold and it’s doable.

Join the Victory Squad

We need to turn out quickly, and in big numbers. Together, we can easily reach tens of thousands of voters in key ridings from the comfort of our home, and help tilt the scales that’ll elect bold leaders this election. 

This election is also an opportunity to ensure we tackle inequality and the climate crisis side by side. Together, we can put a just transition and basic income on the election agenda, and turn up in our thousands at the polls to elect courageous candidates willing to deliver the safe and just future that we deserve. Sign our petition.

Sign the petition calling on leaders to deliver

350.Org Canada’s Still on Fire Day of Action on September 8

This will be the first election to take place while catastrophic climate-driven wildfires are blazing across the country as Canada faces one of the worst wildfire seasons on record. This election will closely follow a summer of unprecedented heat, flooding, droughts, and diminished air quality from wildfire smoke.  On top of that, we just heard from the IPCC that this is a “code red” moment when it comes to tackling the climate emergency. (Source; 350.Org Canada, Canada is Still on Fire event site)

Join Canada’s “Still on Fire” Action Day

Other Election Resources

Other organizations are producing election resources to inform the Canadian public and encourage full-out participation by voters in this crucial election.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada has organized a series of snap-election meetings of its Canada-wide membership to finalize a list of the criteria upon which the national parties’ climate policies will be scrutinized and questioned. The press release is found here.

Environmental Defence has launched a useful guide to What Makes a Strong Climate Plan that will help voters see through all the political fog of an election campaign in which each party will claim superiority for its climate platform.

The Canadian Centre of Policy Alternatives is providing a full analysis of party platforms which will posted in this article as they become available.

NDP releases commitments ahead of election call
Conservatives release five key planks

“While I didn’t want this election, I think we need it, writes Cam Fenton (Canada team lead with in a recent National Observer opinion piece. “We need it because with the climate crisis bearing down on us, we need Canada to do far more than our government currently is willing to do. This election could be just our opportunity to make that happen.”

This is our all-hands-on-deck moment.

Mr. Wilkinson: You Can’t Be Canada’s Climate Minister and Promote Fossil Fuels
Canada: A Model of Climate Denial in Action
Canada: Climate Change and the Muddled “Moveable Middle”

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Creative Commons License

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