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The Breach has hit a bases-loaded home run with this satirical video about Alberta’s tailings ponds and their environmental impact on local communities, wildlife, water resources and ecological systems.

 Cleaning Up The Oilsands

Canadian Government Ad™: Cleaning up the Oil Sands

“Since the government has difficulty being honest about their environmental policies, we decided to make a factual but satirical ad on their behalf—because when an idea is this bad, the best response is to laugh-cry.” — The Breach

This is the text from The Breach email to members:

It sounds like a joke: dumping 1.4 trillion litres of chemical sludge from Alberta’s tar sands’ tailings ponds into the province’s Athabasca River.

But it’s seriously a solution being considered by the Canadian government to deal with the out-of-control toxic byproduct of the industry. Indigenous communities that depend on the waters in question haven’t given their consent. And scientists say other options would be far less dangerous.

Since the government has difficulty being honest about their environmental policies, we decided to make a factual but satirical ad on their behalf—because when an idea is this bad, the best response is to laugh-cry.

The video has already won the endorsement of people who know a thing or two about greenwashing—it was “liked” on Twitter by none other than ex-Liberal environment minister Catherine McKenna.

Watch Canadian Government Ad™: Cleaning up the Oil Sands now >>>


Cool and normal. It’s exactly the kind of commitment that’s made us a world leader in pretending to be a world leader in environmentalism. —Video Transcript

The Trudeau Formula of Changeless Change
Canada: Climate Change and the Muddled “Moveable Middle”

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Creative Commons License

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