Tag: Big Banks
New Climate Rules for Canada’s Big Banks
In late December of last year, Canada released a new policy aimed at ending international public financing for fossil fuels, (starting January 1, 2023)...
Nuclear Power Is Not A Responsible Investment
Seventy-eight Public Interest Groups are calling on Canada’s biggest banks to drop investments in nuclear power, including so-called Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) from their...
Backsliding on Climate: The World Was Right To Be Skeptical
"The political will for painful choices is evaporating fast...turns out the world was right to be skeptical,” Bloomberg writes about expectations coming out of...
Calling on Banks: Don’t Finance East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
Over 260 organizations are calling on banks to not finance EACOP (East African Crude Oil Pipeline) with a $2.5 billion loan for a "manifestly...
Canada’s Big 5 Banks: The Climate Movement Is Coming For You In 2021
Since the Paris Agreement, Canada’s Big Five banks—RBC, TD, BMO, CIBC, Scotia—have financed fossil fuels over half a trillion dollars (C$641 billion) globally and...
Tell Your Bank: Don’t Dirty My Money
Did you know that the money you've set aside for tomorrow and for the future of your children and grandchildren is being used to...
Our Big Banks Are Financing The Climate Breakdown
(This post was first published October 11, 2019. It is now updated and republished September 9, 2020.) After decades of ongoing climate talks, in December...
Why You Must Fire Your Fossil Bank
Have you ever stopped to think how your bank uses your money — your savings, investment certificates, retirement funds? Is your bank stepping up...