Tag: Health
Health Professionals Step Up To Tackle the Climate Crisis
“We have a serious addiction problem. Fossil fuels are so integral to our modern world that we equate their use with our “way of...
The Tip of the Climate Change Iceberg
A new Natural Resources Canada report, Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report, looks at the costs of climate change. In 2020, extreme...
Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic
"It’s not possible to frame either climate change or COVID-19 as crises that somehow stand alone or are separate from existing, overlapping layers of...
NORMAL is Cancelled Due To COVID Pandemic
"Capitalism’s shield has been breached — we can now see its soul," writes Brad Zarett in a recent article first published in Medium. Brad...
Limiting Beliefs Damage Our Environment, Health and Future
When I jog in my neighborhood and see the little knoll ahead, I often think This is going to be hard. Running begins to feel like...
We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know
The most potent weapon in our fight against climate change is truth. As Climate Leaders (Climate Reality Leadership Corps), we at Below2°C continue to speak...
Solutions For The Staggering Costs Of Climate Change
Stephen Leahy is a regular contributor to Below2°C. In this article he exposes the staggering costs of a warming planet. Climate change is happening...
Climate Change Will Impact Health – In Infographics
A just released groundbreaking scientific assessment shows how climate change will impact health. US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murphy says, "The Changes are happening...
Climate Change – the Medical Emergency
In 2008, poor air quality alone, including from oil and gas production, cost Canada about $8-billion, according to a report by the Canadian Medical...
Will Climate Change Cause a Medical Crisis
In 2008, poor air quality alone, including from oil and gas production, cost Canada about $8-billion, according to a report by the Canadian Medical...