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Health Professionals Step Up To Tackle the Climate Crisis

“We have a serious addiction problem. Fossil fuels are so integral to our modern world that we equate their use with our “way of...
The Tip of the Climate Change Iceberg, Below2C

The Tip of the Climate Change Iceberg

A new Natural Resources Canada report, Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues Report, looks at the costs of climate change. In 2020, extreme...
Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic, Below2C

Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic

"It’s not possible to frame either climate change or COVID-19 as crises that somehow stand alone or are separate from existing, overlapping layers of...

NORMAL is Cancelled Due To COVID Pandemic

"Capitalism’s shield has been breached — we can now see its soul," writes Brad Zarett in a recent article first published in Medium. Brad...

Limiting Beliefs Damage Our Environment, Health and Future

When I jog in my neighborhood and see the little knoll ahead, I often think This is going to be hard. Running begins to feel like...
We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know, Below2C

We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know

The most potent weapon in our fight against climate change is truth. As Climate Leaders (Climate Reality Leadership Corps), we at Below2°C continue to speak...

Solutions For The Staggering Costs Of Climate Change

Stephen Leahy is a regular contributor to Below2°C. In this article he exposes the staggering costs of a warming planet. Climate change is happening...

Climate Change Will Impact Health – In Infographics

A just released groundbreaking scientific assessment shows how climate change will impact health. US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murphy says, "The Changes are happening...
Climate Change - the Medical Emergency, boomer warrior

Climate Change – the Medical Emergency

In 2008, poor air quality alone, including from oil and gas production, cost Canada about $8-billion, according to a report by the Canadian Medical...
Will Climate Change Cause a Medical Emergency, boomer warrior

Will Climate Change Cause a Medical Crisis

In 2008, poor air quality alone, including from oil and gas production, cost Canada about $8-billion, according to a report by the Canadian Medical...