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Tag: Renewables

The Top Five Below2C Posts of 2021

During 2021, 136 articles were posted on Below2C under the broad categories of climate, energy, solutions, environment, fossil banks and socio-politico. The number of...
The Carbon Inequality Brontosaurus Chart, Below2C

The Carbon Inequality Brontosaurus Chart

In September 2020, the Stockholm Environment Institute released an insightful report (1). In the 25 years from 1990 to 2015, annual global carbon emissions...

Solar and Wind Power – The Sky’s the Limit

“The world does not need to exploit its entire renewable resource — just 1% is enough to replace all fossil fuel usage. Each year...

We Don’t Have Time – Financing The Race To Zero

Below2C is a proud We Don't Have Time partner to the  Exponential Climate Action Summit - Financing the Race to Zero virtual event on...
Meeting Paris Targets Requires Full Transformation of the Economy, Below2C

Meeting Paris Targets Requires Full Transformation of the Economy

To reach Paris goals will require a full-out transformation of the global economy. It will demand that we make both individual and collective lifestyle...
Support For a Dying Industry Or a Just Green Transition: You Can't Do Both, Below2C

Support For a Dying Industry Or a Just Green Transition: You Can’t Do Both

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is set to present her first federal budget within the next few weeks. This pandemic recovery budget offers an opportunity...
Why My Next Vehicle Will Be Electric, Below2C

Why My Next Vehicle Will Be Electric

Change can come quickly, especially technological change. I’m still astounded that horses as the predominant form of transportation were replaced by automobiles in less...
A Just Transition To Clean Energy, Below2C

A Just Transition To Clean Energy

The overarching theme of a post-COVID recovery is shaping up to be a transition to clean energy. A return to the pre-pandemic normal is...
100% Solar, Wind, and Batteries is Just the Beginning, Below2C

100% Solar, Wind, and Batteries is Just the Beginning

According to a RethinkX report from October 2020, "We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most profound disruption of the energy sector...

2020 Has Raised Climate Hope

Do you sometimes get a creeping sense that hope has seen better days? Our future seems so unpredictable and so threatening. This is precisely...